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BMS stuff to focus on

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2016 6:02 pm
by Ros
Hi all,
I've been slowly going though the training missions and can now finally do an ILS zero visibility approach using the HSI. How often do you do these multiplayer anyway?
I was wondering what I should focus on next to be useful, Air to Ground or AA?
This sim is formidably complex, but I think if you can get the hang of it, nothing else out there touches it. Including the DCS stuff.

Re: BMS stuff to focus on

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2016 6:45 pm
by Secu
Wel not so easy, I think everybody have is own answer. For myself I'm totally unable to do an Ils landing in bad weather conditions.
IMO start to train to AG, GBU, targetting pod and AGM 88 with HAD are not so complex and when you'll master them you'll be able to fly a lots of campaign missions.
ILS zero visibility approach using the HSI. How often do you do these multiplayer anyway?
For me as far as I remember, never.

Re: BMS stuff to focus on

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2016 9:19 pm
by Boyezee
Picked this back up again tonight as I wanted to join in with you guys but I forgot what an incredibly annoying fucking arsehole BMS is when it comes to setting up the controls, cant be bothered to go through getting it all set up again.

Pointless post I know, but just spent a couple of hours trying to sort it out and I'm pissed off and needed to vent :veryangry: :lol:

Re: BMS stuff to focus on

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2016 9:27 pm
by Ros
Boyezee wrote:Picked this back up again tonight as I wanted to join in with you guys but I forgot what an incredibly annoying fucking arsehole BMS is when it comes to setting up the controls, cant be bothered to go through getting it all set up again.
Picked up my CH kit on Craigslist for this reason. Figuring out the excel worksheet took way too long, but my keyfile "just works" afterwards.
While BMS at least has solved the unplugging something means you have to redo your whole keyfile problem, I do think the bitch that is peripheral config is like an entry fee for an awesome game.

Re: BMS stuff to focus on

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2016 10:08 am
by Cougar
nice job going through the training-maze :nice: . it is not neccessary however to know everything to fly with us, we operate on a sort of mid-level.

A-A or A-G? well, the f-16 is a multirole fighter, so being able to deploy aa and ag ordonance in the same mission is often neccessary. i myself do not master every ag weapon, but i try to master some out of each catogory (laser guided, INS guided, dumb, standoff,...). since there are only two real possibilities for AA (amraam, sidewinder), these should be "bread & butter".
in my mind, the multiplayer experience differs quite a lot from single player flying and with it, the "requirements".
since SP flying is limited to takeoff, bomb dropping and landing as AC#1, MP requires a little more, because you are not always in the role of leading a flight, thus formation flying, communication and reacting to "tasks on short notice" come into account as well.

long talk short :blah: : to be a valuable asset to our missions, be able to connect to a server, use IVC, rampstart, fly in formation, shoot AA missiles and drop some kind of bomb. harms would be nice, air to air refueling a luxury. period.

regarding your question, if we fly training TEs regularly, answer is no. simple reason: training TEs are mostly single ship flights and are very sensible when it comes to changing loadouts, flight paths,... plus, most of them start in the air. editing them to accomodate more human payers results in a CTD. learning by flying a campaign mission is our motto.

sorry to hear you have spent hours and not getting close to a desired result :puke:
maybe i can be of assistance. i started from scratch like you, but was able to map my controlls within 30min, after i learned, which buttons i actually need. i did it like KRAUSE does it in this video:
a written list of these buttons can be found in the description list.

i use my mouse (equivalent of the pilots finger) in 90% of all interactions with the cockpit. only buttons on the (ingame) throttle and stick are bound to my hotas.

i would love to welcome you both in our little f-16 community :B:

Re: BMS stuff to focus on

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2016 1:45 pm
by Boyezee
Thanks Cougar, maybe I will check out the video sometime and see if I can get it all sorted.

I really want to get my flight sim fix from somewhere as I'm finding the hobby getting a bit stale for me at the moment, I enjoy my DCS modules but in the end there just isn't enough to do with them currently. :zzz:

Re: BMS stuff to focus on

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2016 2:37 pm
by Zalzam
Do not know if it's the right thread, if not move it.
Found this thread on a Swedish forum page
Hope it helps someone


Re: BMS stuff to focus on

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2016 2:41 pm
by Cougar
yeah, this is why BMS got me in the first place. it delivers! tough at the beginning, but very rewarding in the end.

flying times are tuesday and saturday. everybody, feel free to drop in.

SOKKA, maybe zalzams video is of any help?

Re: BMS stuff to focus on

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2016 11:26 pm
by Ros
Thanks alot for the answers, I'll get some reading up about using AA and AG munitions done...

Re: BMS stuff to focus on

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2016 2:34 pm
by Sokka
Cougar wrote:yeah, this is why BMS got me in the first place. it delivers! tough at the beginning, but very rewarding in the end.

flying times are tuesday and saturday. everybody, feel free to drop in.

SOKKA, maybe zalzams video is of any help?
Good link, thanks Zalzam. It is similar to what I already did and it seems to have worked (again). I'm willing to bet money though that come mission day the problem will be back somehow (again). Sometimes these flight sims just drive me up the fucking wall.