Kanalkampf. Mission 18: 8th August 1940

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Kanalkampf. Mission 18: 8th August 1940

Post by Dickie » Sun Jun 15, 2014 8:54 pm

Squadron: No.501 "County of Gloucester" Squadron
Squadron code: TB
Pilot name: Osprey
Date: 8th August 1940
Base: Tangmere
Type: Hawker Hurricane I
Marking: "P for Pip"
Serial number: V6620

After being plucked out of the sea I received an order from Uxbridge suggesting that I take a break, which was RAF speak for reassignment. I was on the telephone right away "You're just too valuable Prickman" came the reply. "I tell you I won't have it. I had a spot of bad luck this time but I've been through France and defending the King and country, leading this Wing is my priority, I shall do what it takes". I refused to bend and end up in one of those training jobs in and at one stage recall suggesting mutiny, that I would "Take off right now and fly to France to take on Jerry alone". That seemed to work because next thing I was given leave for 2 days which I duly spent back at my parents at Eton. As things happened Jerry wasn't up to much, the word was "he's up to something" but when? when?
On the morning of the 8th the Royal Navy had seen fit to send another convoy through the Strait of Dover and naturally the Bosh had spotted it. By all accounts they had made 3 major attacks on the poor buggers and Sector A had particularly received a pasting from Jerry, Tangmere Wing losing several. Command ordered us in support and sent us down to Tangmere as a forward base. I'd heard a lot about it but it was rotten compared with Kenley, in the middle of nowhere and just too far from the seaside too. No, we'd take London over this place every time. FO Teepee was particularly critical after hitting a bump in the main strip and nearly coming a cropper and was busy having a rant at the station commander "and it's no good to use as a wicket either." is what I over heard at one point. Here we were hoping for Jerry to come over to relive the boredom of the place. No.1 had scrambled early in the afternoon and the odd battered Hurricane was coming back in to land, the distant sounds of gunfire and ack-ack reminding us that there was a war on. Next thing the sirens were going off, I looked to my left from the dispersal hut and one pilot was sprinting to his Hurricane. "Who the devil is that?" I asked Bunny, "It looks like Robo Sir, one of those foreign types, you know what they are like, just like Nigsy, smells something and you can't stop them". "Nigsy indeed, typical, all the same. Well let's watch the show then" And so Robo powered into the sky and after the intruder. Just as he was getting close the ack-ack got him and he went in north of the aerodrome, an Italian CR-42, the AOC recorded it as a raid but I exclaimed that he was an Italian so was probably trying to swap sides.

At 1600 we were all ordered to scramble, Freema took their Spitfires up first, then Panta rolled out followed by Mandrel. We headed out to the convoy before being vectored to an incoming plot, the RT was alive with the sounds of fighting as No.615 were heavily engaged and No.64 were vectored their way. I led my squadron down from angels one five into the heart of the Stuka party and blasted one of the black cross vermin observing strikes to his port wing. I claim this Ju87 as damaged. I became engaged with a 109 after that, chasing one before firing a burst at him from 350 yards but I think I missed him. Following this dogfight of several minutes I got away from him to get back to the Stukas before they attacked. At this point I rejoined with red three before diving down for more trade, Huns running home at 1000ft toward Le Harve. I observed a single Hun fighter still escorting the dastardly raiders back for sausage and cabbage stew but not today for one of them, at speed I dived underneath and fired a 4 second burst into one of the rotters from under 250 yards and he burst into flames before going in. I saw no parachutes. I claim this Ju87 as destroyed, I believe that Bully witnessed the crash site marked with burning fuel. This strike had alerted Jerry above and he wasn't happy that I'd trumped his full house. I easily evaded his attack and was just thinking about how to set him up so I could kill him myself when loud bangs echoed in the cockpit, there was a second 109! I made a bee-line for Blighty but smells indicated that the engine had bought it and I had no power, dash it I'd never make it back and I could see the bounders were coming back so I got on the RT to give my position and asked Bully to look for me and make sure I was picked up because I was a long way out. Then I unplugged, half rolled and dropped out, I heard the ugly whurr of the Daimler Benz powered machine fly overhead as I floated into the sea, which was damn cold! Within 20 minutes a Walrus crew were pulling me aboard though and I was soon warmed up and back in the bar at Tangmere.

Destroyed: 1xJu87
Damaged: 1xJu87

1x Hurricane

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Re: Kanalkampf. Mission 18: 8th August 1940

Post by Mauf » Sun Jun 15, 2014 9:08 pm

Squadron: No.501 "County of Gloucester" Squadron
Squadron code: SD
Pilot name: Mauf
Date: 8th August 1940
Base: Tangmere
Type: Hawker Hurricane I
Marking: "D for Don"
Serial number: LI898

Take-off from Tangmere as Red2, Osprey being Red Leader and Bully as Red3. Engagement of enemy formations over the channel. Got caught in dogfights with 109s, preventing me from attacking the Stukas. The dogfight dragged me down to the deck where I finally got shots into one 109, causing a steamer. This 109 got probably finished off by another Hurricane later though I didn't stay to see its final fate. Was engaged with another 109 shortly after. Following a turnfight, I got shots into that 109 aswell and the panicked pilot seemingly was kind enough to spinstall his plane into the channel.
I then went to engage a second wing of Stukas inbound for the ships. I engaged a Stuka when it went for its bomb dive. As I was running low on ammunition, I had to take careful aim not to waste shots. The Stuka pilot seemingly noticed that and engaged in a series of rolls, preventing me from getting a clear shot. I managed to get some bullets into his left wing but noticed no serious damage. It was during these rolls that a 109 bounced me. It managed to shoot out my radiator which forced me to disengage and head for the british coast. Sadly, my engine gave up about 3 miles from the coast and I had to water my plane. Luckily, a local fisherman noticed my waterdipping and came to fish me out, noticing I'm probably the fattest catch he had since two weeks.

Confirmed: 1x109
Probable: 1x109 (shared)
Damaged: 1xJu87

AC: Down in the channel
Pilot: OK and apparently a fat catch

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Re: Kanalkampf. Mission 18: 8th August 1940

Post by Bully » Sun Jun 15, 2014 9:21 pm

Squadron: No.501 "County of Gloucester" Squadron
Squadron code: SD
Pilot name: Bully
Date: 8th August 1940
Base: Tangmere
Type: Hawker Hurricane Ia
Marking: B for Beer
Serial number: L2038

Got up from Tangmere as Red 3, moments after Gold section had scrambled and shot down an Ice cream seller. Caught sight of the first wave of bombers, and attacked following Red leader. Got good hits onto two aircraft at the right of the formation.

Pulled away from the Stukas after other pilots had spotted 109s in the area. Headed towards the Isle or Wight to assist Teepee,, but Robo got there first. Turned back to attack a fourth wave of JU87s heading for the convoy, but while on route got engaged by a 109 taking a hit. I lost electrical power and started to lose blood. I thought about turning home, but being a pilot made of stern stuff, I decided to carry on and attack.

I met up with Osprey to attack the Stukas, but my got broken up by 110s buzzing around the Stukas. After heading back for the convoy, I caught sight of another group of bombers running for France. Now starting to feel a bit faint due to blood loss, one more attack then I would head home.

I passed underneath the rear gunners of the enemy bombers and avoided a 109 that was tailing the bombers. I closed in for an attack. I got good hits onto the tail Stuka,and he started to fall away. Lined up on the second one, I opened up with my brownings, but by now I had lost all train of thought, and as I got close to the Stuka he pulled up and the same time as me. We collided. The enemy broke into pieces and crashed into the sea. My hurricane had lost a wing, and being at low altitude, I sat back and awaited my fate.

Destroyed: 1x JU87 (via collision, does this count?)Thaine: Up to you, I see no problem in it. Jerry was destroyed as you said due to your attack
Probable : 1 x JU87
Damaged: 3 x JU87

Pilot – Dead
A/C – Destroyed

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Re: Kanalkampf. Mission 18: 8th August 1940

Post by Robo » Sun Jun 15, 2014 10:47 pm

Squadron: No.501 "County of Gloucester" Squadron
Squadron code: SD
Pilot name: Robo.
Date: 8th August 1940
Base: Tangmere
Type: Hawker Hurricane I
Marking: "U for Uncle"
Serial number: N3822

Taking off from Tangmere this time as Green 3 with Bunny as Green leader and Bonkin as Green 2. They came up with some very specific nicknames for each other. Very specific. I don't want to talk about it.

Lined up on dispersal and waiting for the 64 to form up on the runway (this process usually takes them several ice ages), I realised that my R/T device is working far from optimal. The usual pre-mission banter was all breaking up in my headset. I did not say anything as I was afraid my Hurricane would be grounded - and there were ships to protect. And Germans to kill. It wasn't my ears as I could suddenly hear the air raid siren and flak guns firing. Nothing new for a front line fighter pilot. I scanned the horizon to see which direction is the threat coming from. Or was it just some silly bugger in a Tiger Moth making the AAA guys jump? The poor bastards are shooting at about anything that moves anywhere near the airfield. Scramble? Are we scrambling? Ignition. No we're not. They are looking at me, shaking heads. Fuck off guys, will you. Two idiots with engines on, scramble then. Ok, rolling. No, no no. What is going on. Too fast to interrupt the take off run, gear up, flaps up, climbing. It's an Italian plane, Fiat CR.32. Getting in position, short burst. Arrivederci. Plane was also heavily damaged by the AAA and crashed by the airfield. Looking down on Tangmere, all clear, flak stops. Am I the only man up? Left hand circuit then, boost 0, 2300 rpm.

Waiting for the 615 and 64 to scramble, then finally my 501 took off wheels, I slided in formation just behind Doodlibub and Booblidud. Or something like that. Climbing at 160mph. Steady, steady.

Stukas! We got to them as they started dropping down. I could hear only very little on comms. Snappers around, watch out. Aircraft everywhere, brilliant! Got behind one, catching him in the climb as he evades a Spitfire - good hits, he's venting. Next one passes me by, swing around, steady, wait wait wait. Fire! He's in a spin, aircraft on fire. Parachute. Climbing to the Stukas, getting in position, when I hear Blue leader asking for help. Low and injured, RTB, 109 with him. Dive. See him streaming, 109 climbing for another attack. No way you dirty Hun. On his six, firing. Good hits, venting, wings burning. Another Hurricane comes in for an attack, very good hits. Then Teepee turned around and finished him of. Bleeding, Hurricane streaming glycol, but he still put plenty of lead into the 109. That guy is hard as nails, Blue leader is. I watched the 109 going in just NE of IoW.

Climbing back, looking for the Stukas, Red leader is with them attacking, it must be about 10 miles ahead of me. Blue leader also asking for assistance at Angels 9 directly over the ships. Climbing hard, Merlin pulls my trusty Hurricane, what a marvelous machine. 109 directly ahead of me, slightly below. He's attacking a Spitfire - I am diving in, good hits - engine smokes, then the prop stops. Spitfire flies by as the Hun loses altitude and goes slowly in, no need to waste more ammo on that one. Climbing hard again, where are you Bunny? That must be it, Hurricane in a dogfight with a single high 109, too high for me. It's not me Robo., I am on the deck. Damn, helping out anyway - 109 flies directly in front of my nose - long range, silly deflection, but I score a lucky hit. 109 pulls down as he thinks he was hit from behind and I swing onto his back. Now you're hit from behind - glycol pouring, black smoke from the nose, you're done for. Parachute.

Still no luck with the Stukas - flying towards France, 109 attacks me, but after a few maneuvers he has to dive and run home. I see two Spitfires, they join me merrily, or I join them, rather. One of them is SH-W. You're alright Binki? Short CAP and turn around. Mauf crashlanding, I remember his position just in case. Good show the RAF. I flew over the poor Navy buggers heads, I counted 26 ships remaining.

RTB at Tangmere.

Destroyed: 1x CR.32, 1 x Bf 109, 2x Bf 109 shared
I confirm one 109 destroyed by Flick and Teepee
Probable: 1 x Bf 109
Damaged: 1 x Bf 109

Pilot: OK

my sincere apologies for the cock up with scrambling and intercepting the Fiat. I only got home from work 2 minutes before the mission started, my wife reported Internet issues all day, I restarted the router, but my ping was still horrendous, Internet was very slow and Comms were very substandard quality with lots of breaking up. I understood that the planes with engines on, were supposed to scramble asap, so I did. No excuses, but there was no intention to disobey the orders or spoil the mission scenario. The mission was very well done, nice FMB job on the dispersals and cool touch with the intruder. Sorry about that :oops:

(mind you I probably saved up to 4 Spitfires from colliding as they would certainly die trying to line up behind that silly wee biplane)
Last edited by Robo on Mon Jun 16, 2014 4:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Kanalkampf. Mission 18: 8th August 1940

Post by Kev » Sun Jun 15, 2014 10:54 pm

Squadron: No.615 "County of Surrey" Squadron
Squadron Code: KW
Pilot Name: Kev
Call sign: Blue 2
Date: 8th August 1940
Base: Tangmere
Time: 16.00hrs
Type: Hurricane 1a Rotol
Marking: L - London
Serial Number: V6618


Panta Sqn took off from Tangmere airfield in good order following a period of 5 minutes notice to move. We quickly formed Red and Blue sections and began the outward leg of our patrol climbing to 14,000 feet where we had orders to patrol an area to the east of Isle of Wight.

We sighted a formation of Ju87s over the convoy Pewit. There was a strong escort of BF109s flying with the bombers and positioned to the front. The forward section of the escort swung around out flank and came in from the rear.

I was engaged by 2x en A/C identified as BF109s. I called out my location and took evasive action. The rest of the squadron were also engaged with both the escort and bombers so I was on my own. I was most gratified to see several energy attacks fail due to getting the timing of the turns correct. I'm obviously learning from the previous experience with the Hun.

Having lost my tormentors I headed for the convoy at full throttle. There were several Ju87s making for home whilst being engaged by Hurricanes. Having checked six, I selected my man in the rear vic and closed to within 100 yards. The return fire was quite accurate so I dipped under his tail to prevent the rear gunner from getting a bead. I fired a three second burst and saw debris and coolant fly off the en bomber. Leaning from previous experience I pulled up in good time and gained height for an energy attack on his friends. I kicked the rudder into an Immelman at the top of my climb and dropped on one of his friends. I fired 2x three-second bursts and the Ju87 burst into flames. There was little time for the crew to escape and no chutes were observed. I asked someone to confirm the kill over the RT.

I was then engaged by another BF109 but managed to evade him. I fired a quick burst at him as he climbed away bit did not see any hits and he was soon out of range.

By this time Panta Sqn was disengaging due to combat damage and shortage of ammunition. I set a course back to Tangmere and landed without further incident.

Looks like the drinks are on me in the mess tonight as that was my first Hun in flames. Can’t stop thinking about those Stuka chaps though. I wish they had got out of that wreck, still this is war and they are the enemy.


Destroyed: 1x Ju87
Probable: Nil
Damaged: 1x Ju87
Losses: Nil- Landed. No damage
Pilot: A1

End Report

LAC Kev 615 Sqn

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Re: Kanalkampf. Mission 18: 8th August 1940

Post by Binkitone » Mon Jun 16, 2014 11:35 am

Form 540
Mission 18
Squadron 64
Date: 8th August 1940
Time: 1600 hrs
Aerodrome: Tangmere
Aeroplane: Spitfire 1a (100oct) / SH-W Serial number: K9964

Our Squadron with the rest of the wing Hurricanes 501 and 615 have been transferred to Tangmere aerodrome. We have all had a few days respite, which gave a period to enable necessary repairs to be made to many of our damaged aircraft and some welcomed new replacements. There were a few new faces, supplied from Operational training Unit with only minimum hours on either Spits or Hurricanes, we were more desperate for pilots than aircraft, but we will manage.
Although we were on stand by, the tranquility was soon shattered we ordered to start up, taxi out to the runway behind Green Flight, as Red Two with Venom acting as Red One, a new chap Greezy, joining us as Red Three. RDF reports were coming in fast of contacts already over the channel, so the with no more time to be lost we were in the air, Greezy was delayed. I followed Venom keeping on his seven as we bank on a left circuit of aerodrome, then headed south west steeply climbed towards Isle of Wight, With the engine at full throttle, prop at fine pitch and the occasional applied 'Boost Cut-out', I had to glue my eyes at the temperature gauges as these were getting a bit to high. We eventually levelled out at 18k, turning east on a new heading, our height fluctuated up and down 1000 feet as we scanned for contacts above and below. We were back over coast with Selsey Bill on our twelve. Reports came in over the RT of numerous contacts a head at much lower altitudes, I followed Venom in a shallow left hand dive as he line up on a 109, it pulled up in a typical zoom climb turning to the right, I cut across inside in support to find myself solely in pursuit on it's long six. Flat out I continued to followed, barely closing only by avoiding its continuous climbing and diving, at one point on a climb I managed to get a short burst with possible hits as it again steeply dived towards the sea, I broke off.
Found myself at 8k over the ships, joined in a 'merry go round' with other circling 109s and aerobatic Ju87s, climbed back up above 10k to find the sky clear, teamed up with Tyrone in pursuit of a lone 109 on a climb, on heading south, after some time I could not close the distance as it soon became a dot, no choice but to break off, decided to RTB. While descending towards Bognor Regis, a report of an enemy float plane east along the coast, thought I better investigate, soon spotted two contacts on my one o'clock. On closer examination, a Spitfire was breaking away from a He 115, I dive down to come beneath to avoid potential defensive gunfire, approach with ease, I gave a long four to five second burst, enough to see it catch fire and turn over to a dive into the sea.
Headed now back north to Tangmere, when my red light indicated fuel low! At 5k I located the north end of aerodrome, engine spluttering, nose down throttle back, aligned with the runway, into a southerly wind, good, but in fear of the engine stopping I came in steeper than normal, without flaps and still bounce several times, landing safely, tail wheel down albeit off the end of the runway.

Destroyed: 1
Probable: 0
Damaged: 1

Pilot status: OK
A/C : OK.
Last edited by Binkitone on Mon Jun 16, 2014 5:23 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Kanalkampf. Mission 18: 8th August 1940

Post by Stokesey » Mon Jun 16, 2014 1:33 pm

squadron:no.615 squadron
squadron code:KW
pilot name: Stokesey
Date: 8th august 1940
Time : 16.00
Aerodrome: Hawkinge
Type:hawker hurricane
Marking: M for monkey
Serial number:Z2703

sat on the airfield awaiting orders,all of a sudden the air raid sirens went off as a enemy plane flew over which seconds later was intercepted by someone from 501.We took off me as red 3 and flew over to the channel were we spotted multiple enemy's,was told to engage the stukas but up on my attack i was told to break as i had a 109 on my 6 i managed to evade him and another hurricane took care of him,i felt a massive sense of relief just as i was about to turn the cockpit filled up with 20mm bullets and lights went out ............


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Re: Kanalkampf. Mission 18: 8th August 1940

Post by Venom » Mon Jun 16, 2014 2:55 pm

Squadron: No.64
Squadron Code: SH
Pilot Name: Venom
Call sign: Red One
Date: 8th August 1940
Base: Tangmere
Time: 16.00hrs
Type: Spitfire 1a (100 octane)
Marking: Z
Serial Number: L1030


Fired up engines after receiving radar plots from the duty controller. Took off from Tangmere leading Red flight with Binkytone and Greezy as Red 2 / Red 3. Greezy had issues with his kite on the ground so was a little late joining us and never really formed up in the flight. Not his fault. Red 2 and I shadowed the rest of 64 as we headed out towards the Isle of Wight hunting the radar contacts before turning left at angels 17 to hold cap over the merchant convoy south of Selsey.

Red flight (missing red 3) remained slightly disconnected from the rest of 64 and climbed to angels 20 while still keeping eyes on the rest of the squadron. It wasn't long before green flight were calling out contacts, Stuka's and a small flight of 109's, with which 64 became engaged. Red flight held above the fur ball until I could positively ID an enemy fighter about 2000 feet below us. I dove onto it in a left hand turn, with Red 2 following. The 109 straightened then climbed before diving sharply down to the right in a sustained turn. But the G forces reached such a level in the move that I blacked out and lost him. But Red 2 continued on his tail. At this point Red flight were completely split up. But the majority of 64 were in a small pocket of sky, so there were plenty of friendly spitfires around to cover and be covered by.

I used the speed I'd gained to climb back up to around 3000 feet above and away from the fight. Before turning back towards the fur ball with it in mind to single out another enemy contact and dive on him. I could see multiple Stuka's already engaged, but wanted to find a 109 so continued to climb above the fight in a slow right hand turn. That's when I found one, on my six! An E1 with a small fuel leak. I initiated a sharp turn which made him disengage and soon enough I was on his long and low six, with equal energy in a sustained left hand turn. He waited until the sun was in my eyes before rolling over into a head on, scoring some light his on me with his machine guns. This put us into a somewhat vertical fight before I used my turning abilities to get around behind him, at which point he dived away to attempt some shots on another spitfire, before climbing out and rolling into yet another dive, following him towards the deck, firmly on his rear in perfect gun range. I got a number of hits setting his wing on fire before finally peppering his water radiator. He wasn't going to make it home so immediately broke off. There were multiple contacts in the area and I spotted 3 spitfires before clocking a yellow nose 109 about 1000 feet above me...

Focusing on another spitfire, the 109 dove, getting light hits on the friendly contact. I called out over the radio for the spit to break and he did, minimising the damage. But now the 109 was co-altitude and with less energy than previous. He climbed again but made the mistake of going into a left hand turn, with tunnel vision on the spitfire he was attacking, I'm not even sure if he was aware of my presence. 10 seconds later and I was on his six at perfect range, he was firing again on the friendly spitfire, but I could only score light hits which made him break and climb sharply. I followed him up firing a burst in front of his nose, getting hits on his radiator, considering it another probable, I broke off to find some more trade. Seconds later I found myself on the six of a Stuka, so decided to give it a bit of a cursory thrashing, considering he was already in my sights. I got some hits along his fuselage and right wing, before I was made aware of an engagement behind me, a 109 E1 in a turning fight with a spitfire. Another two friendlies were already on scene and soon had him on fire. He dove in front of my nose when trying to escape their wrath and I got a few hits along his side before leaving the scene to find some trouble of my own. Aware that I was getting low on ammunition, but still thirsty for hun blood, or water, oil, or fuel. I'm not picky!

All I could see were friendlies and one lone Stuka (getting his arse walloped by a spitfire) until I spotted a low and fast 109 maybe 3000 feet beneath us all. He was diving aggressively onto the six of a damaged spitfire venting water, heading north north west back to Base. I called it out and the streaming friendly managed to break in time. I believe it was No.64_Wiggs. The 109 went into a right hand climb, but I had a large altitude advantage, going guns in the first pass setting his wing on fire close to his cockpit. I pulled around onto his tail and fired another very short burst but was now winchester, BLAST! I shadowed him pulling onto his 4 o'clock close to say hello, managing to see his markings "RED 1". This display of combat nonchalance must've spooked him because he initiated a number of rolls, trying to get me off his tail. He was heading back towards France, but it soon became apparent that the damage I'd done in the first pass had caused his engine to fail. He was going in, eventually crash landing in the water for my only confirmed kill of the day.

I returned to Tangmere and landed to assess the damage to my aircraft. All in a days work for the boys of 64!


Destroyed: 1x BF109
Probable: 2x BF109
Damaged: 1x BF109 1x Ju87 Stuka
Losses: None
Pilot: Unharmed with a big grin
A/C: A couple of small holes.

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Re: Kanalkampf. Mission 18: 8th August 1940

Post by Wiggs » Mon Jun 16, 2014 6:51 pm

Squadron: No. 64
Squadron Code: SH
Pilot Name: Wiggs
Base: Tangmere
Type: Spit 1a (100 Oct.)
Serial number: L1040

Synopsis: Flew right wingman position for Green leader Tyrone SH-T with Deeside SH-K to my left.
We were vectored to protect a convoy from formations of attacking Stuka Ju-87's off Selsey. We encountered the E/A at 10-12,000 feet and thence I got separated from Tyrone. Spent the next 30 minutes chasing Stukas above the convoy while zooming and booming, losing altitude when chasing and shooting, and then applying Boost to gain altitude whenever possible. Received 2 separate warnings to "break" and so managed to escape occasional sudden bursts of enemy tracer, thanks for the heads-up, guys.
Evidently I had over-used the Boost capability of the Spit 1a because over the Isle of Wight I sprung a coolant leak and I do not recall being hit. Circled over the convoy while losing altitude and nursing the engine, but to no avail....was forced to ditch just ahead of the convoy with oil appearing on the windshield. The nearest cargo ship could not stop of course due to submarine threat, so I sat in my dingy waiting for the rescue launch to come out from Shanklin to pick me up.

Destroyed: 0
Probable: 0
Damaged: Unknown

Pilot: OK
A/C: Sunk
Last edited by Wiggs on Wed Jun 18, 2014 2:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
Intel Quad Core i5 CPU 750 @ 2.67 GHz ; Win 7 Home Premium 64-bit OS
8 Gb Ram ; ASUS GeForce GTX770 2Gb ;
1.5 Tb HDD; Power Supply 700W CoolerMaster SilentPro ;
Samsung 1080p 60" monitor; Buttkicker 2 Gamer; TrackIR 5;
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Re: Kanalkampf. Mission 18: 8th August 1940

Post by Deeside » Mon Jun 16, 2014 9:47 pm

Squadron: No. 64 Squadron
Squadron Code: SH
Pilot Name: Deeside
Type: Spitfire Ia 100 octane
Marking: K
Date: 8th August 1940
Base: Tangmere

Took off from Tangmere in green flight (Tyrone green 1, Deeside green 2 and Wiggs green 3) and entered a left hand circuit of the airfield while waiting for the rest of the squadron. Keeping of Tyrone's 7 o'clock (+/- a couple of hours!), we turned south and climbed at full throttle towards the Isle of Wight before heading east towards the convoy. With no sight of enemy contacts, we took a gentle left turn towards the coast and then back towards the right before spotting a large formation of aircraft approaching the convoy from the south. Immediately, I found myself in a melee of 109s and Spitfires. I managed to evade one 109, but couldn't keep up with his climb. Stukas were reported over the convoy, so I dropped down towards the ships and engaged at about Angels 4. A Stuka burst into flames right next to me, while I got possible hits on one Stuka and left another venting. Out of ammo, but remembered it was Cowes Week, so headed towards the Isle of Wight and landed at Bembridge.


Destroyed: 0
Probable: 0
Damaged: 1 Stuka, poss. 2


Pilot: OK
Aircraft: A couple of small holes
