The Blitz Begins! - TFS Livestream Sept 5 2100 GMT

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ATAG Pattle
Posts: 204
Joined: Mon Mar 25, 2019 11:09 am

The Blitz Begins! - TFS Livestream Sept 5 2100 GMT

Post by ATAG Pattle » Sat Sep 05, 2020 5:42 am

Hi All,
September 7th marks the 80th anniversary of one of the hardest days of the Battle of Britain.

The beginning of the Blitz!

Given that date is not on the weekend when most players are able to play en masse, we are hoping to see as many players possible in the air, dogfighting and bombing mission specific targets.

This is not a co-ordinated event as such, we are looking at that for next weekend. Just join in, wing check the current mission, and or just get stuck in.

We will be using the ATAG Allies and Axis Blitz server.

The server has a max no. of 83 players.

Ideally it would be great for those flying for the Luftwaffe or Regia Aeronautica to outnumber the RAF players, to give those flying RAF some semblance of the pressure the real pilots had facing numerically superior numbers and for the Luftwaffe, the gamble of how long one stayed over England before need to return due to lack of fuel.

For those who can, wing up on comms vie our Teamspeak channel.
Password: calais (note all lower case)

TFS's Pattle will be livestreaming this event on our Youtube channel.

If you are not already a subscriber, now is the time to hit the subscribe button.

We hope to see as much action as possible in the air between mid channel and London outskirts, or if the Isle of white map is up, over the island and Southhampton.

We would appreciate if players refrained from hitting Blue airfields aka 'vulching', giving those players a chance to get in the air and over to the English Coast and beyond to re create the action above hot English skies!
Look forward to seeing you there.


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