Kanalkampf. Mission 18: 8th August 1940

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Re: Kanalkampf. Mission 18: 8th August 1940

Post by Redeye » Tue Jun 17, 2014 2:21 pm

Squadron: No. 64 Squadron
Squadron Code: SH
Pilot Name: Redeye
Type: Spitfire Ia 100 octane
Marking: P
Date: 8th August 1940
Base: Tangmere

Kenley Wing engaged a germen strikeforce consisting of 30+ stukas in three waves escorted by some 15+ Bf 109's attacking a large convoy south of Tangmere. Managed to cover the flight lead Vranac for a few minutes until I had to turn to evade a 109. Chased after several and got good gun solutions twice, but my firing button was set to 'safe' (remapped the joystick buttons) and I missed my chance. I stayed in the periphery of the circling fight with the 109's as the Stukas dived down on the merchants, Hurricanes hot on their heels. As the enemy fighters were either shot down or RTB'd to France I finally decided to engage a Stuka on which I made several slashing attacks, observing multiple hits and smoketrails. I followed the poor bastard from a safe distance and watched him plummet in the sea. No parachutes were spotted. I cleam this E/A destroyed. Over the radio I heard Wiggs bail out after engine trouble and Nitrous nursing his kite back to base, amazed that it was still flying.

I picked up a 109 heading south and trailed him for a few minutes, but he had the height and speed so I let him have his day. Vranac was busy elsewhere so I decided to make back for Tangmere. Crossing the convoy again I saw Wiggs in his dinghy, appearing to be alive and breathing, with two boats approaching his location from the shore.

Approaching feet dry I picked up Binky, also on his was back. Radio reports came in that the sirens were going off again at Tangmere and flak was spotted. I picked up the contact running parallel to the coast on a bearing of 090 and approx angels 3. As it turned out, the E/A was a He115 seaplane. I let go my remaining rounds from 300 yards, but did not observe hits. As I returned to base winchester, Binky swooped in and shot him down.


Destroyed: 1 x Ju87
Probable: nil
Damaged: nil


Pilot: OK
Aircraft: Ok

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Re: Kanalkampf. Mission 18: 8th August 1940

Post by Hawes » Tue Jun 17, 2014 4:59 pm

Squadron: No.615 "County of Surrey" Squadron
Squadron code: "KW"
Pilot name: Hawes
Date: 8th August 1940
Base: Tangmere
Type: Hawker Hurricane Ia
Marking: T for 'Toc'
Serial number: L2098

'Panta' squadron was scrambled very quickly today after a lone enemy aircraft was shot down low over Tangmere. We quickly formed up with myself leading Red section and F/Sgt. Baron leading Blue section. I climbed towards the W to gain some altitude and was vectored onto a raid coming in from the S/E of the Isle of Wight at Angles 10. After several minutes a voice called out bandits at 10 O'clock low. There 15+ Ju87 with a light escort of Me109s. I sent Blue 3 (Tech Johnny) and Blue 4 to keep the snappers busy while I led the rest of the squadron down on a rear attack on the Stukas. I damaged one in the first pass and climbed up to starboard warning everyone to look out for fighters. I reversed and hit the E/A again. This time I set a JU87 on fire and he dropped to the sea. I was then set on by a pair of 109s but I gave them the slip.
Climbing back towards the convoy I saw that the JU87s had dropped their bombs and were heading E. I fired the last of my ammo into a Ju87 and got his engine streaming. I RTBed and landed back at base 10 minutes later.

Destroyed: 1 JU!è
Probable: 1 JU87
Damaged: 1 Ju 87s

Pilot: OK

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Re: Kanalkampf. Mission 18: 8th August 1940

Post by Teepee » Tue Jun 17, 2014 8:22 pm

Squadron: No.501 "County of Gloucester" Squadron
Squadron code: "SD"
Pilot name: Flying Officer Teepee
Date: 8th August 1940
Time: 1600
Base: Tangmere
Type: Trusty Hawker Hurricane Mk 1A
Marking: "M for Marvel"
Serial number: N2617


The Wing has been deployed to fly from RAF Tangmere in order to give some protection to our brave sailors in their Convoy, heading through the Channel. My trusty Hurricane had been thoroughly overhauled after the last sortie and was now a lethal weapon waiting to be launched against the enemy. I have changed the photo in the cockpit of my warhorse. Yvette has been removed and is replaced with a photo of her friend, Mimi Le-Poule. Quite frankly, Yvette had been getting it around with the chaps and was getting a bit of a reputation. One night she had been seen entering the showers with 64 Sqn armourers and that was the final straw!

I was to lead Blue Section and my wingmen for today were the fearless warriors Sgt Flick (Blue 2) and PO Meaker (Blue 3). These chaps knew how to give the Hun a damn good thrashing and we were ready and waiting! There was a slight kerfuffle when the ‘Golden One’ (PO Robo) decided to launch his amazing Hurricane into the air to duel with an Italian CR-42, overhead the airfield. He despatched the enemy but gave the Boss a severe listening to when he was informed that he had no authorisation to launch. This was typical of the ‘Golden One’ – he just couldn’t wait to get at the enemy and would do anything to knock them down. These were the qualities usually found in a typical 501 Sqn Pilot in his formidable Hurricane.

The sirens sounded and we were launched in turn after the fearless 615 Sqn and 64 Sqn had cleared the runway. Our mighty Merlins powered our wonder machines towards the enemy. Over the radio we heard the other Sqns make contact with the Hun and we knew it would be our turn soon. I tightened my straps and gave Mimi a reassuring rub. Suddenly we spotted the waves of black crossed machines of doom below us heading for our chaps in the convoy. Stukas! As the Boss gave the order to attack a cry went out that pesky 109s had been seen at our altitude. I told Blue section to stay high so we could bring our sturdy warhorses to bear against Hermann’s fighters.

With Sgt Flick and PO Meaker at my side we attacked them head on and then pulled high to continue our pursuit. I was getting a bead on one of the blighters when my aircraft suffered multiple hits and I suffered a severe blow to my leg. My vision began to darken and returned to a red mist. I hadn’t even fired a shot. I called out I had been hit and dived down to the channel to try and shake off my unseen attacker. In the same attack the unshakeable PO Meaker had been mortally wounded. I never saw him again. Things were looking decidedly terse. Checking my wonder machine I determined I had a fuel leak, hydraulic failures and leaking coolant. I decided to head for nearby Bembridge, on the Isle of Wight, and land my wounded wonder machine there.

Suddenly I had company. A shifty eyed Hun had spotted me and decided to finish me off. I started to weave and called out for assistance. Luckily for me my fearless wing man, Sgt Flick, heard my call. So did the ‘Golden One’. As I weaved I saw my fellow aviators harrying the Hun and scoring hits. I carried out a quick check of my flying controls and was amazed to find that the incredible machine could still manoeuvre. The boffins at Hawkers had designed this amazing machine to survive rough treatment, and here was the proof. I decided that my attacker was going to have to play really rough if he wanted me out of the sky and turned my fantastic machine around. Through my red misted vision I saw the Hun and went after him.

My foe and I became embroiled in a deadly tango of death. Each of us twisting and turning until the black crossed verminous machine pulled into a climb and suddenly presented me with a silhouette of evil. I pushed the button and delivered a DeWilde salvo into the engine compartment and cockpit of the 109. White smoke followed by flames could be seen enveloping the cockpit. ‘You’re going down, Fritz’ I muttered to myself. Amazingly the enemy pilot leapt from his lifeless machine and I flew past the parachute to let him know that even when damaged, a formidable aircraft like the Hurricane can still bite back. I thanked my fellow aviators for saving my bacon and informed them I would make my way through the red mist, once again, toward Bembridge.

My landing was uneventful and I was quickly whisked off to the Station Medical Centre to have my injuries treated. I later caught the local ferry from Cowes, to Southsea, where I was taken by a crew bus back to Tangmere. Back at the Sqn I briefed the Adj on my exploits. He told me most of the chaps had made it back but there was still no news of the brave PO Meaker. I headed down to the Mess and downed a couple of pints of Badgers Bollocks to celebrate my shared victory. It was while I was there that I met a nice young filly who worked in the Admin Office in the Station Gymnasium. Noting my bandaged injuries she informed me that the quickest way to heal them was to indulge in physical activity. She also informed me that she had been told push ups were particularly invigorating and would I like to join her in doing a few. Naturally, I accepted her offer and told her that I had been thinking about a number of ways to invigorate my wounds with her. I suggested that we stop at the Gymnasium office where we could open the bottles of wine. I don’t remember anything else after that.

Destroyed: 1 x Me109 (Shared with Sgt Flick and the ‘Golden One’)
Probable: None
Damaged: None

Pilot: OK
A/C: Slightly unserviceable with another crate of Badgers to the engineers

Tea, Promotion and Medals due for making it back.

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Re: Kanalkampf. Mission 18: 8th August 1940

Post by Meaker » Wed Jun 18, 2014 8:47 am

Squadron: No.501 "County of Gloucester" Squadron
Squadron code: "SD"
Pilot name: P/O ‘Meaks’ Meaker
Date: 8th August 1940
Time: 1600
Base: Tangmere
Type: Hawker Hurricane Mk 1a 100 Octane
Marking: "G for George"
Serial number: P2793


Flying as Blue 3 today alongside F/O Teepee as Blue Leader and Sgt Flick as Blue 2,we were flying out from RAF Tangmere down in sunny Sussex.

With us all parked on the airfield perimeter,we were gifted with ring side seats,as P/O Robo took off with some guts and determination and single handidly shot down an Italian biplane that had strayed into our aerodrome,a marvellous sight to see.

The C/O gave the order and we all taxied to the main runway where seconds later we rocketed into the blue and made our way down to Selsey bill where a raid had been reported to be on it’s way in.
We soon found our quarry and the C/O led the attack down into them,I stuck with F/O Teepee Blue Leader and Sgt Flick Blue 2 as long as I could until I realised I was being chased by a 109.

This 109 then decided to go after somebody else,luckily for me,so seeing this I gave help the best I could,and made several shots at him which seemed to be successful as he soon started to vent from his radiator.
He then spun his aircraft enabling me to get some more hits upon him,and another friendly was pursuing this 109 too,but at this juncture I was hit from behind and in an instant I was sent spiralling down into the sea below.

Destroyed: None
Probable: 1 x Bf109
Damaged: None

Pilot: KIA

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Re: Kanalkampf. Mission 18: 8th August 1940

Post by Midge » Wed Jun 18, 2014 6:17 pm

Squadron: No.615 "County of Surrey" Squadron
Squadron code: WK
Pilot name: Midge
Date: 8th of August 1940
Aerodrome: Tangmere
Type: Hawker Hurricane Mk1a 100 octane
Marking: C for Charlie
Serial no: P2564

No.615 along with the rest of the Kenley wing were posted to Tangmere for a bit of a "away day"A very nice place Tangmere, but the Squadrons there had recieved a bit of a pasting over the last couple of days,so the gallant Kenley wing were rushed down there to provide them a day or so respite.

A convoy was trying to push through the channel, but what the Navy bods were doing letting it move in daylight is beyond me,anyway the people across the way were not going to let this chance go floating past without a reaction.

Royce,my fitter and myself were admiring "Mary's" spanking new livery when the sirens started.I jumped into "mary" and got ready to give the damn Hun a seeing to, but recieved the don't start engines order?Maybe the boss had information that we didn't,but we all sat there like rubber ducks at a shooting gallery[squeeky bum time as that great Scottish sage Ferguson would say]
It was all too much for the brave Robbo of No.501,off he flew single handedly to stop the Hun hords.
A biplane ,Italian i think was spotted mooching around,but the brave Robbo soon ended his day.

We got the scramble order and Panta rolled out,with Hawes as leader in red section and Baron as blue section leader,me as blue 4.The whole of No.615 got airborne in fine fashion and headed eastish of the Isle of white at around 14000ft.Waves of Stukas were spotted low with snappers higher,we were ordered to engage the Stukas.Making a turn to port for a rear attack on the barstools i saw two snappers high and to my port at around 9 oclock looking back i checked my six damn it the sun,i turned further to port to get a better view when bang i got hit, the aircraft went into a steep dive no elevator controls and no chance of levelling out.It was a time to bale, and out i popped.Landing in the brinney,i was luckily picked up by a Navy patrol boat and fed large amounts of rum.I returned back to Squadron that evening alive but bit unsteady on the old undercarrage.

Claims: non

Aircraft: Feeding the fishes
Pilot: Alive but very damp and very drunk!

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Re: Kanalkampf. Mission 18: 8th August 1940

Post by Baron le Scrope » Thu Jun 19, 2014 3:53 pm

Squadron: No615.
Squadron code: "KW"
Pilot name:Baron.
Date: 8th August 1940.
Base: Tangmere.
Type: Hawker Hurricane Ia
Marking:B for beer.
Serial number: P3231

Took off from Tangmere as blue Leader with Johnny, Kev and Midge as 23&4. S/Ldr Hawes leading 615 as red leader with Biggles and Stokesey as 2 and 3.Smooth take off, 64,followed by 615 and 501 bringing up the rear with no incidents in any of the squadrons as usual!.
Bombers located with fighter escort west of the Isle of White. Red leader ordered Johnny and Midge to engage the fighters whilst the rest of the flight with me and Kev tucked in behind red leader.
Ordered LAC Kev to engage the left Stukas from underneath, got good hits on the extreme Stuka, pulled up and over to engage the second one lost the left aileron from one of their gunners, pulled around to starboard to have another go when i spotted a Ju87 diving onto the convoy,i followed this cheaky bugger down and peppered him, who then performed the most amazing aerobatics, throwing his kite all over the sky, when i finally had him dead to rights my guns spat a few rounds and fell silent, typical. RTB a bit peaved, we need cannons.{40 prs of nylons for two measly cannons,any takers?]

Probable: 1 Ju87
Damaged: 1 Ju87

Losses: 0
A/C OK, but Port aileron lagonda.
Antec 900 case,/ Sabertooth P67 MoBo,/ Intel corei7 2600cpu-/- MSI GTX 970 4G Graphics, --WD-1Tb Velociraptor HDD--16g Corsair 2133Mhz Ram/-- Corsair TX 850w PSU /--Samsung40"led TV, TrackiR5, CH J/sick. Warthog Throttle. Corsair Vengeance 2100 H/set/mike. W10 Pro 64, /---Two slightly depressed teabags.

Think nothing of it sir, it was the least I could do, a quantity I specialize in.

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Re: Kanalkampf. Mission 18: 8th August 1940

Post by Katt » Thu Jun 19, 2014 6:33 pm

If proper support and a few tips on the proper use of delicate apparel were added - the firearms will appear

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Re: Kanalkampf. Mission 18: 8th August 1940

Post by Baron le Scrope » Fri Jun 20, 2014 3:27 pm

Every demand will be met Katt, please forward the canons, as long as they don't fire paint.B.
Antec 900 case,/ Sabertooth P67 MoBo,/ Intel corei7 2600cpu-/- MSI GTX 970 4G Graphics, --WD-1Tb Velociraptor HDD--16g Corsair 2133Mhz Ram/-- Corsair TX 850w PSU /--Samsung40"led TV, TrackiR5, CH J/sick. Warthog Throttle. Corsair Vengeance 2100 H/set/mike. W10 Pro 64, /---Two slightly depressed teabags.

Think nothing of it sir, it was the least I could do, a quantity I specialize in.

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Re: Kanalkampf. Mission 18: 8th August 1940

Post by Bonkin » Fri Jun 20, 2014 8:03 pm

Squadron: No.501 "County of Gloucester" Squadron
Squadron code: "SD"
Pilot name: Bonkin
Date: 8th August 1940
Base: Tangmere
Type: Hawker Hurricane Ia
Marking: "Z for Zebra"
Serial number: P3803

Took off to intercept radar contacts mid channel on route to target a supply convey. CAVOK 1/8 Oktas SCT. Engaged multiple Ju87’s and damaged 6 before being struck by an unseen foe. Made for the nearest landfall but got a belly full of English Channel and had to swim for shore.

Engine Start 1626
Brakes Off 1627
Brakes On ----
Engine Shutdown ----

Full Report
Little time for a full report as the week has been taken preparing for a secret trip to the desert… HQ has once again ordered me off to investigate some hush-hush unmentionables. Suffice to say that I managed to damage 6 Ju87’s (1 fatally) before my incredible Hurricane succumbed to battle damage from unseen sources. This forced me to head towards the nearest landfall but unfortunately my trusty machine just could not make it and I ended up having to ditch and swim to shore.

Luckily for me a rescue launch picked me up and took me directly to Bognor Regis, from where I was able to “borrow” a bike and return to Tangmere.

Destroyed: 0
Probable: 1x Ju87
Damaged: 5x Ju87

Pilot: OK – but a bit wet
A/C: Resting at the bottom of the channel

Footage of the event:


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Re: Kanalkampf. Mission 18: 8th August 1940

Post by Biggles » Sat Jun 21, 2014 10:16 pm

Squadron: No.615 "County of Surrey" Squadron
Squadron Code: KW
Pilot Name: Biggles
Call sign: Red 2
Date: 8th August 1940
Base: Tangmere
Time: 16.00hrs
Type: Hurricane 100oct Rotol
Marking: I-Ink

Tangmere is a dreary place compared to Hawkinge and I don't think it helped that I didn't know the base all that well. I'd finished painting the nose spinner of my Hurri an aggressive red colour, I was hoping that the colour would be enough to kill the hun and make up for the piss poor performance of my gunnery skills. Alas I never got the opportunity but more on that later. Panta were on scramble status and after making sure every thing was set I was ready to go, the banter was deafening. It was at this point that a small Italian Fiat biplane doped out of the sky in which I swear it made plopping noise! (I could see the image of the entirety of 64 chasing this one biplane). We were finally scrambled at which point the cowling of my aircraft pinged off the front, dont ask me why I have no idea. As a result I was late to forming up but I made it just in time for a late take off. After take off it was around angles 10 that I realised that, to my horror that the controls were not responding. This became such a problem that I desired to repeatedly hit the dashboard of my Hurrie until something happened with it did....I broke my rev counter an boost meter, the controls returned but the Hurrie had started to rattle and cough along with the fact that I had lost comms, God this was not a good day (well I don't know why I said that because he wasn't going to help me.). It was at his point when I anded the damn thing that, I decided that this was the perfect time to test my deck chair idea! Having fitted my Hurrie with a deck chair attached with a flask of tea, I had prepared myself earlier ( this was becoming more and more like a blue peter rehearsal every minute) I proceeded to drink tea and sunbathe, whilst a very angry gentleman ran up to me and threatened to "call the law on me" for squishing his wheat crop. he was infuriated further when I presented him with the two fingered salute and continued to drink my tea, I was determined that the day was not to get any worse.

Big fat Naught

My pride and the farmers dignity and wheat crop.
