Adlerangriff. Mission 30: 16th August (Tangmere 1300)

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Adlerangriff. Mission 30: 16th August (Tangmere 1300)

Post by Dickie » Sun Nov 02, 2014 10:08 pm

Squadron: No.501 "County of Gloucester" Squadron
Squadron Code: TB
Pilot Name: Osprey
Date: 16th August 1940
Time: 1300 hrs.
Base: Biggin Hill
Type: Hawker Hurricane
Marking: P for Pip

"But he's my DSL Parky" I emphatically appealed down the phone to Keith Park. "Sorry chum but Jerry is more active than before and we're having to restructure due to the losses. No.111 has been brought in at Biggin and your man has been picked to lead them, and by the way, Gloucester is to operate from Biggin too". I had to take it, this one was above my head and I suppose I had to be pleased for Teepee, but I was hoping to avoid the earfuls from the station fire chief about "called out for another burning piano".

Biggin was a pleasant 'drome, not disimmilar to Kenley only parked atop a big hill, there was no room for mistakes on takeoff and landings because of the gradient of slopes all around, it was like landing on a big carrier, but runway 23 was very long indeed. Kenley and Biggin were brought to readiness following some skirmishes during the morning, from the mess we could see and hear the odd pairs of fighters were to-ing and fro-ing, and the ack-ack opened up a couple of times. Around noon we were asked to warm up and be ready for the off because the Huns around Le Harve were extremely active, when they started a course north we were scrambled. All up in good order we headed over to Kenley to beat the place up on our way out, Panta had already gone and Freema were lining up on the runway as we hammered past at 250mph showing off our wonderful Hurricanes. At approximately 1300 Panta made contact with 30+ stukas, I ordered them to hold until Freema arrived whilst Wagon and Mandrel headed along the coast to Selsey Bill. Freema had trouble with the controller so I ordered Panta in anyway and they set out bashing Jerry. Soon afterwards it was our turn and I swung us about into the Hun invaders for an attack. "Gold leader, come with me and take your section into the escort, Green and Blue attack the Stukas, tally-ho" An almighty fight developed but I had no joy and turned for the bombers who were getting away, red two in tow. On my way there I witnessed a Hurricane taking fire from a Bf110, I couldn't call on the R/T, his code was "GN" so that made him a No.249 pilot. The gunfire set him ablaze as the Bf110 overshot, a terrible situation, but to my astonishment instead of bailing out he turned to the Bf110, got him in his gunsights and fired a volley into the Hun invader which promptly went into a steep dive out of control and crashed . He then jumped for it and thankfully I say his parachute open. "Did you see that Thaine? Good show!" I exclaimed before making a mental note to report this act of heroism to command and recommend tea and medals upon my return.

Continuing on I lined up a Stuka and opened up the guns, 8 brownings rattled and the delightful smells of gunfire entered the cockpit as my trusty Hurricane vibrated. My target started to disintigrate, the gunner stopped firing and slumped forward, and then his machine fell from the formation. I claim this Stuka as probable. It was then I noticed that the engine was not running as well as it ought to. Checking gauges the oil pressure was low and I was losing some speed, then oil spots appeared on the canopy - the blighters had stung me back "You jerry bastards!" I cursed. "Pip has taken fire, I'm going to put in at Ford" I informed the squadron. I dived away and the merlin bought it before I reached the 'drome, my prop windmilling under flight. My engine had packed up before I got the undercart locked, a red very light was fired but I was committed, it was going to be rough without flaps. I skimmed parallel to runway 09 trying to reduce speed but was still 100mph as I approached the last 500 yards, running out of room I had to put her down and take it or hit the woodland behind. I banked violently as one unlocked potruding gear collapse with a bang and my Sutton harness cut deep from the sudden arrest, then all was quiet aside the sound of distant battle and the tick tick of cooling metal.

Ford was not far from Tangmere and by all accounts they took a beating from the Hun, from the watchtower I could see a huge gaggle going past before plumes of thick black smoke coming from the 'drome. FIre engines were preparing and leaving Ford to head over to Tangmere to help out. It looks like they chucked the entire Luftwaffe at us today, "This is going to be a long war" I said to the Station Commander.

I telephone Biggin to let them know I was safe and later they sent the station Anson down to pick me up, we flew past Tangmere and it was a real mess, certainly unusable for a week or two.

1x Stuka probable

Pilot ok
AC damaged repairable

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Re: Adlerangriff. Mission 30: 16th August (Tangmere 1300)

Post by Spud » Sun Nov 02, 2014 10:14 pm

Squadron: No. 615 "County of Surrey" Squadron
Squadron Code: KW
Pilot Name: Spud
Date: 08/16/1940
Time: 1300 hrs.
Base: Kenley
Type: Hawker Hurricane
Marking: R
Serial number: N2335


I walked up to the Wing Commander's office and knocked on the door. "Come in" the Wingco replied. I marched up to the desk and saluted smartly. "Corporal Spud reporting as ordered, Sir!"

"Have a seat, Spud." the Wingco ordered. "As they say in America, it seems I'm in a bit of a pickle. I have let you lead 615 on the last 2 missions and your still alive so I'd say you have done pretty good. But I need a permanent Squadron Commander for 615. I want to give you a go at it, but you're a Bloody Yank. I'm afraid that the whole squadron will go to shit with an undisciplined colonial running the show. But I have no other choice. I'm going out on a limb here and promoting you. 615 Squadron is now officially under your command. But before you start feeling all warm and fuzzy about this, I'm putting you on notice. This Wing is run by the book. We work as a team. There will be no show boating or glory hunting in my command. Do I make myself clear, Squadron Leader? And I'm sending P/O Meaker to your squadron from the mighty 501. I have talked to him personally. He knows to report any shenanigans that you yanks are known for directly to me. Got it"? "Yes Sir". I replied. "I'll do my best, sir. I won't let you down".

"Right then", the Wingco continued. "Get back to Kenley and get your Squadron in order. Those Hun Bastards are going to be at it again today. Dismissed". I snapped a proper salute and exited the old man's office. With the lives of so many now on my shoulders, the war just got very real.

On my way out of the building I ran into P/O Meaker. All his bags were packed and we waited together for our ride to Kenley. "Don't worry about what the Old Man told you about me, Spud. I'm looking forward to flying with you and 615. You guys are always in the thick of it and that's where I want to be". That was a relief. Meaker is an experienced pilot and has a reputation of being a helluva good stick. He will be a very welcome addition to the Squadron. "That's good to hear, Meaker". I said. "I need someone to lead Blue Flight. Looks like you're it". Our ride pulled up. I helped Meaker load his bags and noticed someone else running up to us.

"Hi. I'm Shark. Is this bus going to Kenley"? I nodded. "Sure is, Shark. Need a lift"? "Yeah". Shark replied. "I just got assigned to 615 squadron. I'm fresh out of the OTU and I hope they don't eat me alive over there. What's the OC like? Sure hope he's not an asshole". Meaker smiled. "So far he seems okay. But I just met him about 3 minutes ago". He said as he pointed his thumb towards me. "So much for that first impression". Shark said, looking a bit embarrassed. "No worries, Shark". I said. "We all thought the exact same thing when we were in your shoes". And with that we loaded up on the bus. Three airmen with different backgrounds, about to start a new journey together.

Back at Kenley it was business as usual. Maintenance crews had been working non-stop keeping our crates up and running. Fuel and ammo trucks scurried about and the flightline was a beehive of activity. The pilots were all in dispersal awaiting their orders. I took Red Section with Baron (2) and Midge (3). Meaker led Blue Section with Hollywood (2) and Kev (3). Azref would lead Yellow Section with Shark (2) and Donkey (3). Then we all grabbed our kit and headed off to our crates. Once again they were spread all over hell and back. Hopefully one of these days they'll get it right.....

After a long sit at readiness we were given the order to start up. Wanting to be organized for our departure I had the sections immediately form up on the taxiway. Once the order to go was given we would be up that much quicker. And before long, we received our order. There were 30+ bandits approaching from the channel at angels 10. Vector to intercept, 200 degrees. We were on the runway and rolling in record time. At 2750 rpm, the 7 Hurricanes of 615 clawed at the sky for altitude, quickly reaching Angels 13 where we leveled off and headed on our intercept course at 240 mph. Passing feet wet at Shoreham, I called out a sitrep on the R/T. We were ordered to continue on our course and report contact while 501 patrolled along the coast. "Sounds like we're going to be the bait again". I heard over the R/T. I couldn't agree more.

Five minutes longer on a heading of 200 and we spotted them. It was a huge gaggle of Ju-87's at Angels 10. There were also 6 snappers spotted above and behind. I brought the squadron around to port to put the Stuka's off our right wing before calling the contact out to Osprey. He replied with, "Do 1 orbit then get stuck into the Bastards"!

Yellow section stayed high as cover as I called for Red and Blue to attack. Props: Max. Rads: Open. Gunsite: Set to 46 ft. Then I firewalled the throttle and rolled in. As soon as I rolled, Yellow flight called that they were engaged with the 109's flying cover. Closing in on the formation, I could already see one Stuka going down in flames under the guns of Meaker. I opened up on an 87 positioned on the far right. DeWilde and AP causing massive damage to the aircraft. I passed under my victim and rolled right. Pulling back to climb around I looked back and saw the 109's were now in the thick of it with us. One passed close overhead as I quickly banked around to give chase. While lining up on him, another passed through my gunsite. A quick squirt registered hits on the 109 but I was unable to give chase. Tracers flashed by my starboard side. Instinctively I rolled left and pulled the stick into my gut. The resulting G's greyed my vision as I looked behind me. Unable to keep up with the outstanding turn capabilities of Sydney Cam's Marvel Machine, he ended his pursuit and climbed away. Without the ability to relax for even a second, another 109 appeared ahead of me. A quick push on the right rudder put the crosshairs just where I wanted them. I put a few hits into the 109 but he quickly broke the contact and dove away. Checking my six, I saw no fewer than 3 109's lining me up for the shot. "Okay, this is getting serious". I said aloud. I pulled the turn as tight as the airframe could handle as my crate bucked on the feathered edge of a stall. As the 109's broke off, I kicked full rudder into a rolling reversal to follow my pursuers. No use. They were diving away too fast. As I looked around I saw no Stuka's. No Hurricanes. My fighting had taken me from 13,000 ft to 3,000. Hopefully I was keeping Jerry busy enough so that my squadron mates could finish off the Stuka's. A quick radio call showed that 4 pilots of 615 were still in the air and engaged. I reported my predicament but I wasn't too hopeful about help coming my way.

And then, it seemed that as soon as it started, it was over. The 109's were gone. To my 3 o'clock I could see a 3-ship engagement going on down on the deck. I called on the radio to see who it was. Kev answered back that it was him. He was going against 2 109's. I rolled KW-R to the right, pulled the tit and went all in. as I approached the furball, one of the 109's broke off and ran away. The tide had certainly turned....... But this 109 driver certainly knew what he was doing. For 15
minutes Kev and I put ourselves in advantageous positions only to watch this 109 slip from our grasp. On multiple occasions we went canopy to canopy as tracers flashed by each other. We turned. We twisted, climbed and dove. It was graceful. It was beautiful. It was dangerous. I admired this 109 pilot for his ability to fly and fight. When it got too hot for him, he turned for France and extended away from us. By this time I realized that I was running full boost and 3000 rpm for a little too long. Sure enough, a check behind showed that I was venting from my radiator. My temps were still good so I knew I had some time left. I should have headed for shore but I couldn't leave a squadron mate behind. With some breathing space regained, the 109 turned around and pressed the attack once again. He could have gone home but decided to continue. The sign of a true professional. I wanted to continue the fight as well, but by this time my crate could continue no more. The prop governor let loose and oil spilled across the windscreen. I used the last 30 seconds of engine power to gain some height climbing to 5000 ft before my merlin seized. I trimmed for best glide and headed for shore. I made a call on the R/T to report the combat position about 7 miles southeast of Selsey Point. With any luck, Kev would not continue alone for long.

I knew my glide would not bring me to shore. At about 1000 feet I switched everything off and hopped out over the side. My chute opened quickly and I floated down about a mile off the coast. Resting in my life raft I could see the boat coming to pick me up. I hope they have smokes on them. Mine are soaked........


Destroyed: 0
Probable: 1 Ju-87
Damaged: 2 Bf-109's


Pilot: Wet but okay
Aircraft: Lost
Last edited by Spud on Mon Nov 03, 2014 5:52 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: Adlerangriff. Mission 30: 16th August (Tangmere 1300)

Post by Mauf » Sun Nov 02, 2014 10:19 pm

Squadron: No. 111[F] Squadron
Squadron Code: JU
Pilot Name: Mauf
Date: 30 Aug 1940 12:00
Base: Biggin Hill
Type: Hawker Hurricane Ia 100 Oct
Marking: D for Don
Serial: L1252

Take-off as Read Leader with Sabre as Red 2 and Ratty as Red 3 from Biggin Hill. Transit towards southcoast around Selsey, engaging 12 JU-87s heading north at Angels 14. Lit a Stuka on fire on my first pass. At second pass, I flamed another Stuka and popped the radiator and oiltank of a third. On third pass, I burned a fourth. On fourth pass, I popped the radiator of another Stuka but got shot from behind by a 109. The radiator of my Hurricane kicked the bucket and I got a bullet into my shoulder. Injured with a damaged plane, I turned east towards Ford airfield. Brought the Hurricane down in a three pointer landing just as the engine quit service on its last breath.


Destroyed: 3xJU-87
Probable: 1xJU-87
Damaged: 1xJU-87

Pilot: Injured
A/C: Shot up radiator, engine knackered.

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Re: Adlerangriff. Mission 30: 16th August (Tangmere 1300)

Post by Luke » Sun Nov 02, 2014 10:28 pm

Squadron: No. 64 Squadron
Squadron Code: SH
Pilot Name: Luke
Type: Spitfire Ia 100 octane
Marking: R for Romeo
Date: 16 Aug 1940
Base: Kenley

Confirmed: 1x BF109
Probable: 0
Damaged: 0

AC: ok
Pilot: ok

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Re: Adlerangriff. Mission 30: 16th August (Tangmere 1300)

Post by Ratty » Sun Nov 02, 2014 10:42 pm

Squadron code: "JU"
Pilot name: Ratty.
Date: 16th August 1940.
Squadron: No.111.
Base: Biggin Hill
Type: Hawker Hurricane Mk.1 100oct.Rotol.
Marking: R.
Serial number:

We went feet-wet in the area of Shoreham and turned west. Vectored by RDF as we passed Selsey Bill to engage enemy formation approaching from our south. Made contact with large formation of unescorted Stukas and we dived to attack - first burst into a Stuka and it burst into flames. Unsure if the crew got out. Made 2 further passes damaging 2, not severely - both leaking fuel. Tried to reform with the rest of red flight but never definitively found them again in the fray. Sabre was engaged by a Bf109 over Selsey Bill and I tried to assist but never made visual contact. Suddenly a 109 passed across me heading west at my altitude - he must have seen me and started a hard right bank and started to dive just as I got a couple of hits onto his wing - he accelerated away quickly and I did not pursue as there were several 109s still above - last sighted him heading south-west towards the Isle of Wight trailing coolant.

Fuel running low, I decided to make my way north. Followed a Bf110 for several miles - he must have seen me also and started to turn right. Cannon fire started to stream past my cockpit only feet away and I pulled into the tightest right turn possible - looked back to see another 110. He fired for several terrifying seconds trying to match my turn but the shots fell short inches behind my rudder. Catching sight of another pair of 109s and not seeing any friendly aircraft I decided it was time to head home.

At this point totally lost, I glanced at my fuel gauge - 2 gallons left. Bugger. Started frantically scanning for an aerodrome. Less than 1 gallon left and finally caught sight of a single west-east strip. My engine died before I'd even stopped rolling. Ground crew informed me I had found Gatwick - jolly good!

Damaged:2xJU-87, 1xBf109

Pilot: OK

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Re: Adlerangriff. Mission 30: 16th August (Tangmere 1300)

Post by Shark_ » Sun Nov 02, 2014 10:43 pm

Squadron: No. 615 Squadron
Squadron Code: KW
Pilot Name: Shark
Date: 30 Aug 1940 12:00
Base: RAF Kenley
Type: Hawker Hurricane Ia 100 Oct
Marking: S for Sugar

Took off as Yellow 2, flight of 3, Azrev leading. Mission was high cover over Red and Blue flights. Report of 4 bandits above us. Both Yellow 2 and 3 were trailing the leader. I was hit on first pass of bandits and wounded though with no apparent damage done to aircraft. I was able to shake off my attacker and headed for the bomber formation, though bleeding profusely. Enroute, Yellow flight was ordered to make for the coast. So, continually checking 6, I made my way to Lympne and landed without incident.
Claims: none

Pilot: Injured
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Re: Adlerangriff. Mission 30: 16th August (Tangmere 1300)

Post by Baron le Scrope » Sun Nov 02, 2014 10:54 pm

Squadron: No.615 "County of Surrey" Squadron.
Squadron code: "KW"
Pilot name:Baron.
Date: 16th August 1940.
Time: 13.00hrs
Type: Hawker Hurricane Mk.1 100oct.Rotol.
Marking:B for beer.
Serial number: P3231

Took off from Kenley as Red2, Spud leading 615 with Midge as Red3.
Engaged multiple Ju87s heading North. Followed our skipper in on the right of the formation where our leader damaged the outer A/C as i took the second one and third, with both going down. and damaged one more.
Spud called for help as he was engaged with three 109s, i rallied but never caught up to help as i was hit by friendly flak and then PKd by a nasty 109.


Pilot:Selling nylons to Gabriel.
A/C: Back to it's basic elements
Last edited by Baron le Scrope on Mon Nov 03, 2014 2:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Antec 900 case,/ Sabertooth P67 MoBo,/ Intel corei7 2600cpu-/- MSI GTX 970 4G Graphics, --WD-1Tb Velociraptor HDD--16g Corsair 2133Mhz Ram/-- Corsair TX 850w PSU /--Samsung40"led TV, TrackiR5, CH J/sick. Warthog Throttle. Corsair Vengeance 2100 H/set/mike. W10 Pro 64, /---Two slightly depressed teabags.

Think nothing of it sir, it was the least I could do, a quantity I specialize in.

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Re: Adlerangriff. Mission 30: 16th August (Tangmere 1300)

Post by Vukac » Sun Nov 02, 2014 11:04 pm

Squadron: No. 64 Squadron
Squadron Code: SH
Pilot Name: Vukac
Type: Spitfire Ia 100 octane
Marking:C for Charlie
Date: 16 Aug 1940
Base: Kenley
Calling:Wihte 3

Probable: 0
Damaged:2x Bf109

AC: ok
Pilot: ok
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Re: Adlerangriff. Mission 30: 16th August (Tangmere 1300)

Post by Sabre » Sun Nov 02, 2014 11:09 pm

Squadron: No.111 (Fighter) Squadron
Squadron Code: JU
Pilot Name: Pilot Officer Sabre
Date: 16th August 1940
Time: 1300 hrs.
Base: Biggin Hill
Type: Hawker Hurricane Mk.1 100oct.Rotol.
Marking: S for Sugar
Serial: P3397

The Squadron took off behind No. 501 Squadron, Mauf was Red Leader with Ratty as Red 3 and myself as Red 2. We headed South before turning West towards Selsey Bill, as we reached the point we headed South again and soon had eyes on Ju-87's heading North at 14,00 feet. Sqn. Leader Teepee gave the order to engage and I made the first of four passes, damaging two Ju-87's causing them to stream, with a third I made good hits and it immediately dropped out of formation and on the fourth pass I set another Ju-87 on fire.

I climbed away with no further Ju-87's left in the area and headed towards Selsey Bill where there were further fighters engaging. I was quickly in a tangle with a 109 but caught sight of him in time to dive away before it became engaged with another Hurricane. A second wave of bombers were spotted heading North so I started to climb to engage and made one pass causing damage to the starboard engine of a Ju-88. Out of ammunition I tried to get my bearings to head home. Out of what seemed like clear skies a 109 appeared and made a single pass, but missed and I dived away and never saw him again.

I again tried to get my bearings and picked out Gatwick airfield just as my engine spluttered to a halt - out of fuel. I tried to find a place to land and picked out an area but hit a building as I tried to drop it into a field - causing an explosion and the world went black.


Destroyed: 1xJu-87
Probable: 1XJu-87
Damaged: 2xJu-87 and 1xJu88

Pilot: Dead
A/C: Destroyed
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Re: Adlerangriff. Mission 30: 16th August (Tangmere 1300)

Post by Kev » Sun Nov 02, 2014 11:17 pm

Squadron: No.615 "County of Surrey" Squadron
Squadron Code: KW
Pilot Name: Kev
Call sign: Blue 3
Date: 16th August 1940
Time: 13.00hrs
Base: Kenley
Type: Hurricane I Rotol
Marking: L - London
Serial Number: V6618


Panta Sqn received the order to scramble and took of took off from Kenley by sections and quickly formed. We headed on a course of 200 degrees out into the channel and sighted a large formation of Ju87’s with escorting Bf109s.

Yellow section quickly became entangled with the bombers escort leaving Red and Blue sections to attack the bombers. It soon became apparent that the escort were there in some numbers and soon Red and Blue sections were engaged with the fighters too.

I spotted a Bf109 perusing a Hurricane and gave chase. The range was rather long but I fired several bursts at the En A/C. I saw several rounds strike the starboard wing and an incendiary round started a superficial fire. The En A/C dived away and I let him go, as there was little chance that I could catch him.

There followed two or three indecisive combats with Bf109’s when Red leader and I became engaged with a very good Bf109 pilot. At this point Red Leader suffered and engine failure and had to bail out as the engine seized.

The Bf109 pilot held his advantage superbly. It was a game of cat and mouse for what seemed an eternity. I slowly inched back towards the coast whilst avoiding the En A/C’s energy attacks. I managed to get in an ineffectual bust at long range hoping for a lucky hit and this was the last bit of my ammunition.

We were just over the coast when I made the mistake of turning too soon into the attack. I was struck by 1x 20mm HE round in the port wing, which sheared at midsection. I immediately bailed out as there was no possibility of rescuing the aircraft as it was beginning to spin.

On the way down into the channel I offered the German pilot a salute, as indeed it was one of the best combats I’ve been in.

I landed in the channel as was collected by the RN in good time as my splash down was visible from the coast. As always there was time for a swift double scotch in the local before a quick telephone to the guardroom at Kenley to arrange transport back.


Destroyed: Nil
Probable: Nil
Damaged: 1xBf109
Losses: 1xHurricane-serial:V6618
Pilot: Ok

End Report

JT Kev 615 Sqn
