Adlerangriff. Mission 32: 18th August

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Adlerangriff. Mission 32: 18th August

Post by Dickie » Sun Nov 16, 2014 9:59 pm

Squadron: No.501 "County of Gloucester" Squadron
Squadron Code: TB
Pilot Name: Osprey
Call sign: Red Leader
Date: 18th Aug 1940 12.30
Base: Gravesend
Type: Hawker Hurricane Ia 100 Oct
Marking: P for Pip
Serial: V6620

After the fury of the Luftwaffe attacks on the 16th we were pretty relieved that the weather on the 17th was poor so I could give the chaps some leave. By the 18th the weather had cleared and we knew that we were for it. I hadn't let the station off though, they had work to do patching up our kites, I popped round to the maintenance sheds to enquire. "Ah Sergeant, there you are. What's the form?", "all very good sir, we'll have the whole squadron ready except we have a broken oil line on F for Freddie, expecting a delivery from Hawkers this morning to replace it". "Very good, jolly good show, carry on sergeant, carry on". Nigsy had joined me and I gave him a decent pat on the head "Now let's find Bonks shall we boy".
An hour later we were put on patrol, "What about F for Freddie there sergeant? Fang needs his kite." "Ten minutes sir and we'll have her ready". I turned to sergeant Fang "Sorry old boy you'll have to catch us up. It's only a patrol though, let me know when you are up and i'll tell you where to meet. You are Gold three today, oh and we'll be on channel 3." With that we climbed into our kites and the glorious sound of Merlins echoed across as far as Gravesend town centre. I rolled out first onto the strip with Horus and Thaine as Red 3 and 2, we had 2 further sections in Blue and Gold. Thundering down the runway our powerful machines lurched up, and I was at angels 3 in just over a minute. "They should give him a knighthood" I said on the R/T "Who sir?", "Sydney Camm. What a design" I exclaimed. "Absolutely, Jerry won't beat us as long as we have the Hurricane", "Hear hear". We were ordered to patrol to Southend and Manston, then back west to Gravesend, angels twenty. Sergeant Fang got into the air as we reached Southend and met us at Margate. "Any trade Tophat?" I enquired on this marvellously clear day, "Sorry Mandrel nothing for you". "Understood". Then suddenly the sharp eyed Bonks Bonkin said "Contacts 11 o'clock high, heading right toward us" "Thank you blue leader. Tophat, we have a dozen heading toward us....blast it, they're 109's Tophat! Gunsights on, watch out Mandrel" and with that the squadron merged with the staffel, the 109's reeling in at over 500mph overhead. I lurched round and could see the enemy turning into our tail, contrails giving away their paths. I looked ahead and then noticed another 4 of the bastards pass a few hundred feet above my head in the opposite direction, I was expecting them to drop in behind but they seemed not to notice us. All hell broke loose and Mandrel was split up, then things got worse as another staffel arrived ahead of forty plus bombers in formation hell bent on destruction of Blighty. I had stayed in the north and evaded a few attempts on my life comfortably, but I am an old lag and we had a couple of chaps who had only 10 or so hours on the Hurricane, and leven less in combat. Sgt Horus had become seperated in the melee, "Red three, where are you?" I enquired "Red three is dead, I just saw him break up under cannonfire" replied Blue two. Seconds later Broadsword went for a Burton, "I've lost Gold three" said P/O Robo - it was a disaster, "Blast it! Watch your backs. Freema squadron, where are you, we have 2 staffels of 109's over Canterbury" I reported. As the fighting spread out I managed to find some space and started to hunt myself, heading west at angels 20 I scouted for enemy fighters to give some British lead back to Jerry. I wasn't long before I spotted a target and went full bore into his tail, closing on his low six. At 200 yards I opened up my guns, the cockpit rattled and cordite filled the air. I observed hits on this fellow and he seemed to panic before entering a spin. I attempted to move into him to finish him off but I couldn't hit his wildly spinning machine. I decided not to follow, I wanted to keep my height and get back to reform the squadron. I claim some light damage on this lucky Hun. Seeking another target I turned into a pair over Rochester, I had two thousand feet and plenty of airspeed, but then I noticed a Jerry heading right for me as I swung to port, under my nose and closing fast - the dirty rotter had sneaked in under my very nose. I made an evasive turn before hearing loud bangs on my machine, then the control column went slack as I entered a spin "Damn and blast, you cad, you Bosh scoundrel!" I said to myself as I struggled for control. I looked left and realised a small problem in that he'd shot off my port wing at the root. "Ah" I thought, It was time to go over the side. I unclipped the R/T and oxygen, it took a few attempts due to the forces of the spin, then managed to haul back the canopy before hitting the quick release on my Sutton harness and being sucked out of the cockpit. There was an air of peace as I floated down, aside the dopplar sounds of fighter engines and the fireball of my Hurricane going in. As I got closer to the ground I could hear the pops of heavy arty, then they came into view, a field gun crew working away 2 miles west of Rochester. I landed in the field next to them and 2 soldiers were already there when I hit the ground. "Good afternoon Sir, are you OK?" they asked "Yes I think so chaps. What perfect timing" as I stood up and searched for my pipe. "We thought you might be a Jerry Sir, but saw the flying jacket. Did you get any sir?" they asked. "No I'm afraid they got me today. I say, have you got a match?" I replied as I prepared my pipe and one of the private leaned over to light it, "There you go sir". "Ah, thank you private. Do you have a vehicle? Would you mind giving me a lift to Gravesend aerodrome, I think it's not far." I asked. And with that I one of the privates drove me back to base where I made an enquiry about obtaining two pianos.

1x Bf109 damaged

AC Lost
Pilot OK

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Re: Adlerangriff. Mission 32: 18th August

Post by Kev » Sun Nov 16, 2014 10:02 pm

Squadron: No.615 "County of Surrey" Squadron
Squadron Code: KW
Pilot Name: Kev
Call sign: Blue 2
Date: 18th August 1940
Time: 12.30hrs
Base: Kenley
Type: Hurricane I Rotol
Marking: L - London
Serial Number: V6618


Sqn received the order to scramble and took of took off from Kenley by sections and quickly formed. We headed on a course towards Manston and sighted 2x large formations of En A/C’s.

I got separated from the Sqn during a defensive manoeuvre avoiding a Bf109. Whilst trying to catch up with the En Bombers I was bounced and killed by an unseen Bf109.


Destroyed: Nil
Probable: Nil
Damaged: Nil
Losses: 1xHurricane-serial:V6618
Pilot: KIA

End Report

JT Kev 615 Sqn

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Re: Adlerangriff. Mission 32: 18th August

Post by Siddich » Sun Nov 16, 2014 10:04 pm

Re: Adlerangriff. Mission 32: 18th August

Squadron: No.615 "County of Surrey" Squadron
Squadron Code: KW
Pilot Name: Siddich
Call sign: Green 1
Date: 18th August 1940
Time: ?
Base: Kenley
Type: Hurricane I Rotol
Marking: H - Harry
Serial Number: L2025

damaged 1x109, got 2 more streaming, got damaged by one, lost my rudder, damaged 1 Ju88, rammed him, lost wing, had to bail...


-2 x Bf109

-1 x Bf 109
-1 x Ju88



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Re: Adlerangriff. Mission 32: 18th August

Post by Shark_ » Sun Nov 16, 2014 10:29 pm

Squadron: No.615 "County of Surrey" Squadron
Squadron Code: KW
Pilot Name: Shark
Call sign: Red 2
Date: 18th August 1940
Time: 12.30hrs
Base: Kenley
Type: Hurricane I Rotol
Marking: S for Sugar


Scrambled from Kenley on reports of multiple groups of Jerries headed our way. Spud was Red 1 and Donkey Red 3. We began a climb to high altitude on a vector towards the bomber groups. Several 109's were spotted conning ahead and they dove and flew through the Red formation. We did not turn with them and instead headed for the bombers. We tally'd several bomber groups below and plunged down in a sweeping left hand turn. Spud flamed one on his first pass, as did I. The defensive fire was weak and they appeared to be JU-88's. Made three more passes while a furball raged around us. I was able to flame another and damage two more but on my fifth pass, my luck ran out and I was hit by an unseen foe. I broke and twisted downward to try to shake him off but was hit again at low altitude by the same Jerry or one of his pals and noticing that my tail was shredded and the airplane was not flying, and decided it was a good time to hit the silk. Chute opened and I landed softly in a farmer's field.


Destroyed: 2 x JU-88
Probable: 1 x JU-88
Damaged: 1 x JU-88
Losses: 1 x Hurricane I Rotol
Pilot: Survived
If you find yourself in a fair fight, you did not plan the engagement well...

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Re: Adlerangriff. Mission 32: 18th August

Post by Venom » Mon Nov 17, 2014 2:47 am

Squadron: No.64 Squadron Spitfires.
Squadron Code: SH
Pilot Name: Venom
Call sign: Green 3
Date: 18th August 1940
Time: 12.30hrs
Base: Kenley
Type: Spitfire mk1a (100 octaine)
Marking: Z


Flying as White Three with Luke as White Two and Vranac White One lead. White Flight formed on runway behind 6 more Spitfires just in time for scramble at Kenley. Radar plots showing multiple Jerry at very high altitude that were soon engaged with 501 patrol. Climbing to 24,000 feet we met the fight over Eastchurch. White Leader broke into a climb to engage one enemy 109. White Two and Three close behind. Call outs from another spit pilot of a 109 diving in on a flight of 3 spits. I checked my six and sure enough we were the target. I was tail end charlie breaking left warning my flight, but the 109 tried to follow me in the turn, successful evasion. However, I was unable to maintain visual contact with my lead during the move. Taking the initiative, I turned onto a 109 passing me in a head on climb, Slowly creeping up on his six. I managed to get some long range hits on his port wing and fuselage before there was another 109 drawing a bead on my six. I broke again without incident. The fight was so confusing that I quickly lost my attackers and had visual on two 109's diving in on a friendly Spit and his wingman. I called it out and they broke successfully. I followed the two enemy into their climb and slowly began to gain ground. I took some sceptical long range shots at low speed before I had to drop my nose, I was engaged with the pair for around 3 minutes before help arrived. I don't completely remember what happened next but we were in a series of dives and climbs where I had brief solutions and fire some short bursts. I got some hits on one of them in an extremely close pass. I soon disengaged them though. I don't exactly remember how. I know White Two (Luke) had taken some hits on his Port wing, losing control of the guns and creating bad drag. He chose to RTB in his stricken plane.

Not long after I spotted another 109 engaged with two Spitfires. White Leader called out the fact he was firing on one as the 109 I was looking at was being engaged, I confirmed it was Vranac and rejoined formation. I tailed him while he engaged the 109, taking a few shots when able. It wasn't long before Vranac had him streaming water and we climbed away letting him dive. But would you believe it, the stubborn Hun had a thirst for blood, and tried to follow us up there before his water ran out. Vranac ordered complete destruction of the 109, I obliged. First I burned his starboard wing, then his port, before setting fire to his fuel tank as he was bailing. That'll teach Jerry to try to try and re-engage two spitfires that'd let him live. I hope he parachuted onto a spiked iron fence the bloody cad!

The main elements of 64 were now engaged slightly south east of us so we climbed in that direction. Eventually joining them at angels 16 on the coast around deal (if I remember correctly) We flew along the coast south and a little out into the channel searching for radar contacts, not straying too far from the English coastline, After a 10 minute flight we spotted a group of enemies I think around the Dover area. Vranac and I split from the rest of the squadron and dove down on 3 ju88's that we had mistaken for 110's, both shared the kill on one before hearing a call out about 109's in the area, annoyed with himself that we'd come so low, Vranac and I climbed to find them. I watched the 88 hit the water as we climbed. We didn't find the 109's but regrouped with two other spitfires. Fuel and ammo was low so we RTB.


Destroyed: 1 x JU-88 and 1 x 109 (both shared with Vranac)
Damaged: 2 x 109
Aircraft: RTB Undamaged
Pilot: OK

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Re: Adlerangriff. Mission 32: 18th August

Post by Spud » Mon Nov 17, 2014 7:35 am

Squadron: No. 615 "County of Surrey" Squadron
Squadron Code: KW
Pilot Name: Spud
Date: 08/18/1940
Time: 1230 hrs.
Base: Kenley
Type: Hawker Hurricane
Marking: R
Serial number: N2335


Waiting……… It’s an ugly game, waiting. You know the enemy is up there. They’re flying closer by the minute. Where are they going? How many are up there? Sometimes it is better to not know these things until you have them lined up in your sights. But you still wonder………..

I’m strapped into my trusty Hurricane at Kenley, playing the dreaded waiting game. Finally the call comes for Panta Squadron to start up and get in position for takeoff. Nine merlins kick over in unison and I lead these brave men and their machines to the runway for takeoff. As we line up the scramble order comes over the R/T from Wing. Power goes to max as the deafening roar of the engine drowns out all my previous thoughts. 100 mph. Rotate. Gear, up. Flaps, up. Climb power set at 5 lbs boost and 2750 rpm. Rads at 75%. Canopy, closed. Game face, On. One circuit around the airfield to form up and we are given orders to proceed towards the enemy and attack. RDF plotters gave me a vector towards Margate with multiple flights of enemy aircraft approaching at altitudes scattered from angels 15 to 24.

As we pass Maidstone, the Wingco calls over the R/T and says he is tangled up with the entire Luftwaffe near Faversham. I called back with our position and told him we were enroute to the fight. We leveled off at Angels 24 as thick contrails billowed in our wakes. I knew they would give our position away, but I knew they would give away the enemy position as well. And soon enough, there they were.

Freema leader, with his flight of Spitfires covering us, called over the RT, “Panta, you have snappers at your 12 o’clock.” “Copy that Freema, I have them in sight”, I replied as a Staffel of contrailing Bf-109’s appeared ahead of me. The 1st and 2nd Schwarm passed from my left to right and Green Section under the lead of Siddich broke high to engage. I took red and blue sections to the left slightly to hit the remaining 109’s head on. I don’t think they were expecting Hurricanes at angels 24. And they certainly didn’t expect us to go head on with them. Their confusion showed as they all broke formation without firing a shot.

I continued our circle around and took a look behind me. Contrails displayed a deadly ballet going on between the 109’s, Green section and Freema Squadron as they dove in to the attack. With the spitties in the mix, I cleared Green section to rejoin so we could go after the bombers. P/O Baron in Blue 1 called out that he had the bombers in sight. They were at our 1 o’clock low. Ju-88’s. 30 plus.

We rolled over and went in. Blue flight went after the 2nd group of bombers and I swung wide to attack the rear group on the right hand side. Enemy gunners opened up like their lives depended upon it as I picked my target and closed the gap. At max convergence, I pressed the “kill the enemy” button on my stick. Eight Browning .303’s belched out a roar of death as DeWilde and AP rounds crashed into the 88 in my sights. Smoke and flame billowed out from the cowling of his starboard engine and pieces of airframe flashed past my hood as the stricken bomber rolled onto her back and began its death spiral.

I pulled up and right to break away and set up for another pass. Judging by the smoking trails of crashing and diving bombers, I could see 615 was giving the Luftwaffe a real taste of hell today. I rolled wings level and set up my next pass. Hurricanes, Spitfires and 109’s screamed past me at every angle. Bullets whizzed past from diving fighters and angry tail gunners. Pilots started to call out that they were damaged and headed home. Others called that they were tangled up with 109’s. Even more called out as they turned Ju-88's into flying fireballs. The fight had turned into an all-out brawl and it was every man for himself.

I lined another 88 up in my sights and gave it everything I had. Round after round thudded into the starboard engine rendering it useless. Then I kicked a little left rudder and pulverized the cockpit. The stricken bomber nosed straight over and passed beneath me. Just as I pulled clear, my luck ran out. The remaining gunners had me in their sights and they were all set to avenge the loss of their comrades. Multiple rounds impacted my trusty KW-R and soon my windscreen was covered in oil. I split-s’d away from the deadly fire and saw Rochester Aerodrome directly below me. My merlin was barely ticking over enough to keep the hydraulic pumps running but I was able to drop the gear and flaps before shutting the engine down. I looked left and saw I was dropping down neck in neck with the Ju-88 I had just finished giving a damn good thrashing to. I leveled off, set up my approach and watched the bomber crash into a wooded area just south of Rochester. I marked the spot with other landmarks so that I might be able to do some souvenir hunting. I’m sure a shot-up black cross would look wonderful in the mess.

I eased my battered crate out of her glide, flared and touched down softly on the runway. But as I rolled out, my starboard landing gear began to fold and she drifted right as I ground looped to a halt clear of the runway. Two green lights shone; indicating all was down and locked so there must have been some battle damage to the mechanism itself. I crawled out of the cockpit to look over the damage as some ground crew showed up to assist.

“We watched you take out that Jerry Bomber!! Bloody good show”!! the one mechanic said. “Thanks,” I replied. “I don’t suppose you have a means of transporting me to the crash site?” I asked. “Sure. One of the WAAFS can drive you out there. We’ll fix up your crate while you are gone.” I thanked them and walked off to the hanger where a car with a WAAF waited for me.

As I got in the car, I noticed 2 things about the driver. First off, she was very pretty. Second, she looked like she was pregnant. As we drove off to the crash site the conversation flowed easily. Finally, my curiosity got the best of me and I politely asked, “I couldn’t help but notice, are you in the family way”? She blushed and said, “Yes, indeed I am. I just wish I knew if the baby’s father was still alive. I haven’t seen him since that night. He’s a flyer like you. I was living near Tengmere with my parents at the time and all the boys just came back from France. Some pilots were burning a piano for some reason so I decided to see what they were up to. I met a very dashing young pilot. As we were talking I told him my father was a plumber. He said he really enjoyed laying pipe and would love to show me his tools of the trade. We grabbed a couple bottles of wine and went the gymnasium…… But I don’t remember anything after that. Perhaps you might know of him. I believe his name was Teepee. I grinned while looking out the passenger window to hide my expression. “Sorry. Never heard of him.”


Destroyed: 2x JU-88’s
Probable: 0
Damaged: 0

Pilot: Bringing a war trophy back to the mess.
Aircraft: Minor airframe damage fixed by eerks at Rochester. Engine work may take a day or so to fix.

Teepee owes me his tea and medals for covering for his six!!!!
Yes........ I AM what's wrong with the world today....... Deal with it!!

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Re: Adlerangriff. Mission 32: 18th August

Post by Tyrone » Mon Nov 17, 2014 12:29 pm

Squadron: No.64 Squadron Spitfires.
Squadron Code: SH
Pilot Name: Tyrone
Call sign: Green 2
Date: 18th August 1940
Time: 12.30hrs
Base: Kenley
Type: Spitfire mk1a (100 octaine)
Marking: T

come across a 109 over cantabury on our first encounter with the enemy got hits on him then he flew away then engaged a lone 109 south of eastchurch about to go guns on a lone hurricane and i pounced on him doing major a damage a rads burst i followed him and eventually went in (flyby) after that engagement i attempted to meet up with the rest of 64 but bumped into 110s they turned on me and i had to defend i got 1 (katt) but after that high speed fight with the others my rads blew i flew back to eastchurch weaving and avoiding katts comrades and crash landed on the beaches of eastchurch and was rescued pilot survived ;)


Destroyed: 1 x 109
1 x 110
Damaged: 1x109
Aircraft: damaged on the beaches of eastchrch
Pilot: OK

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Re: Adlerangriff. Mission 32: 18th August

Post by Dange » Mon Nov 17, 2014 5:00 pm

Date: Aug. 18, 1940
Time:12:30 hrs.
Squadron Code: SH
Pilot Name: Dange
Base: Kenley
Type: Spitfire Ia (100)
Marking: M for Mother
Serial number: N 3122

Flight Report :

Lifted off from Kenley with Green Flt. ( Ty #1\ self #2 ) Climbed to 20+K heading toward Eastchurch. Followed Tyrone as he chewed up a lone 109. I overshot and climbed back to 20K watching for any other E A. Acquired visual with several other 64's and took position on SL Gromics 7 0'clock. We were joined by three more of 64 and went hunting . Found a lone 111 bomber which Grom and I chewed up . Starting to run low on petrol and headed north toward dunginess in order to orinate myself to RTB. Landed at Rochester. Nobody there. Apparently they where out checking a downed enemy aircraft.

Destroyed: 0
Probable: 1 x 111 ( shared with SL Gromic )
Damaged: 0

A/C: ok
Pilot: ok
Last edited by Dange on Tue Nov 18, 2014 12:55 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Adlerangriff. Mission 32: 18th August

Post by Robo » Mon Nov 17, 2014 10:17 pm

Squadron: No.501 Squadron
Squadron code: "SD"
Pilot name: Robo. Bailey
Date: 18th Aug 1940,
Time: 12:30
Base: Gravesend
Type: Hawker Hurricane Mk Ia
Marking: U for Uncle
Serial number: N3822

Flying at Angels 20, my eyes hurt a lot. I am trying to look back and everything is blurred. I can't focus at all. I know there is an enemy behind me although I don't see him, I am sure I'll get hit any moment. Then perspex shatters, the impacts are so loud they make me jump although I knew they would happen on that exact moment. Fire everywhere! Oh God no, get out. I can't move, I can't move at all. What will my family say, I let them down like this... Sir it's 3:30, would you care for a cuppa witch your toast? I stare at my batman, my eyes blinking. We both pretend I am not soaked in sweat. He's a nice chap, but how should I explain to him that us foreign types don't eat bloody toast for breakfast. I want my brioche and black coffee.

Mandril is on readiness, I wake up very tired and I have this bad feeling today, I will buy it, it's been too long and I am too tired. Luckily, I got some more sleep in the morning as we didn't move anywhere. I was watching the English chaps playing cricket when I dozed out and got an hour of surprisingly deep sleep. I felt a bit better when I climbed in the cockpit at noon, but the bad feeling didn't go away at all. Jerry was up to something big. Again. Leading the Yellow section with LAC Dave and his "William the Conqueror" as Yellow 2 and Sgt. Fang as Yellow 3. LAC Dave gets through the R/T check and calmly states "I feel like I will buy it this time mate." Don't be silly pal, we'll all come back. Little did he know about my own stomach cringing when I said that. We took off in a formation of three Vics and climbed hard to meet the enemy. Kent flying below us, it would have been a beautiful day if it wasn't for the war. Yellow 3 reports engine trouble and returns to base to catch up with us later. Yellow 2 stays with me in a lovely formation less than a wingspan away. Red and Blue straight ahead of us, we climb to Angels 20 and head South. There they are, F/O Bonkin calmly reports enemy at 11 o'clock high. 3 groups of enemy fighters merge with us at contrail altitude and swing around behind us. I looked back at Yellow 2 and I knew he didn't like our current position below big number of Messerschmitts. W/Cdr. Osprey orders full power and the squadron turns into the enemy in a hard climb. This is it lads, every man for himself! I see Yellow 2 following me as I tried to get some altitude, let's do this guys. I see 2 large formations of bombers coming behind them slightly lower, I report their position over R/T as I get engaged in a dance in a contrail ribbons. Yellow, I got a snapper below me, Hurricane break! I shout as I dive on the enemy who is about to shoot at my squadmate. I fire a deflection shot, hitting the engine and cockpit as he flies straight through my burst. He certainly noticed the hits and pulled in a dive. I climbed back up only to realise I am alone. Yellow 2 could not react to my sudden change of direction and stayed slightly higher and behind me. I had another 109 on me, break break. And another. OK, I am clear. I see German twin engines joining the fight - two, maybe three Bf 110s. One is lining up behind a Hurricane, our chap did it well and evaded in a tight turn. I catch the 110 in a climb and hit the cockpit and port engine with a 2 second burst. The e/a was left streaming oil and glycol from the port side and losing altitude towards Manston area. I turned around and climbed back to the Mandril when I heard a loud bang from my engine. Did I get hit? Did I fly through the debris from the stricken Zerstorer? I am not sure. Yellow 1 had collision, RTB. Listening to the engine carefully, everything seemed alright. I did a fast barrel roll to see if my controls were OK and reported climbing back to the combat. Yellow 2 reported being engaged in the same area, i climbed hard to re-join with him. I caught the bomber formation right over Canterbury and as it seemed to be unprotected at that very moment, I attacked the last bomber on the right and shoot it down in flames. The starboard wing collapsed and the e/a spiraled to the ground. I spotted parachutes, luckily, just before I got engaged myself. A 109 made a pass but lost me against the ground for he turned the same direction and was waving his wings as if he was looking for something. I climbed back to attack the same group, which was now flying towards London, but before I got into position, I spotted another heavy fighter engaged with a Hurricane. This turned out to be W/O Thaine who didn't require any assistance for his victim was very much nibbled already - streaming from both engines, no defensive fire. I spotted another one and attacked it before he could escape. Coming fast at his 6 o'clock I aimed at the canopy from some 250 yards to scare off the gunner and then fired at point blank, hitting pretty much everywhere. The e/a went into a spin and as he recovered just 500 feet off the ground, he glided to a farm field and made a nice crash landing just N of Canterbury. W/O Thaine reported an impact of his own victim and I do confirm pile of smoke in the same area between Canterbury and Eastchurch. In the meantime, LAC Dave returned to base with some more swastikas to paint on his Hurricane, me and W/O Thaine also returned to Gravesend, almost winchester and slightly winded. As I touched down, LAC Dave was already back in the air, we have to take off again and try to stop the bombers. Unfortunately, quite a few made it through this time for there was just too many of them. Yellow 3 was alright on the ground, took some damage. I jumped in a spare Hurricane, my old X for X-ray, slightly more battered than my usual ride, but still a splendid aircraft. <---- Spare? Refuel/rearm undamaged is fine, but no spares 'cos that's a refly

1x Bf 109 damaged
1x Bf 110 damaged
1x He-111 destroyed
1x Bf 110 destroyed

1x Bf 110 confirmed destroyed by W/O Thaine

Pilot: OK

Squadron: No.501 Squadron
Squadron code: "SD"
Pilot name: Robo. Bailey
Date: 18th Aug 1940,
Time: 13:15
Base: Gravesend
Type: Hawker Hurricane Mk Ia
Marking: X for X-Ray
Serial number: L1925


Scrambling as fast as possible to get to Kenley and Biggin Hill, as these were the obvious targets. LAC Dave stated that we might be too late and should head straight to the coast to try to catch the stragglers. Well, somebody has to do it. We swang round and climbed towards Gatwick. No sight of the enemy, but the smoke colums on our starboard side meant that it was indeed the Biggin Hill that was the target for the Luftwaffe this time. With sun in our backs we slowly approached St. Mary's Bay area, then I spotted a contact. 11 o'clock lower. Full throttle, we couldn't believe our luck. The 109 pilot spotted us though and dove away in a slight panic. I don't blame him. Dave gave a chase and I provided high cover. He reported some good hits on the enemy, but no fatal damage was inflicted. I kept my eyes peeled for any remaining enemy while Dave got busy with the escaping 109. Just as I looked back to scan the sky, I realised that what I thought was a flak burst was actually a 109 trying to bounce me. I pushed the stick to avoid him and climbed back after him. The German pilot fired a burst into the empty sky and carried on climbing. He flew surprisingly passive, possibly low on fuel. Before I got any chance to shot him down, he overheated his engine in a climb and immediately turned home. I did not follow, but I found it very rude. Dave also disengaged from his target and we turned back towards England. Way inland, we realised the fighting was over for now and decided to return to base. Then a contact passed right in front of our nose. Dornier? No, it's a 110. Of course we gave a chase and I covered Dave all the way to Manston. The 110 suddenly attempted a head-on attack and after that, it was a lovely show to watch: Dave gave him a jolly good thrashing. I stayed above to provide some cover and confirm an impact in roughly the same area where his fellow crash landed some 40 minutes ago. I dropped down to join LAC Dave and we returned back to Gravesend. We made it home after all. It was the hardest day.

1x Bf 109 scared
1x Bf 109 rads damaged by the power of suggestion
(no real claims)

1x Bf 110 confirmed destroyed by LAC Dave West of Manston

Pilot: OK

Posts: 515
Joined: Sun Aug 31, 2014 9:03 pm
Location: King of Prussia, Pennsylvania

Re: Adlerangriff. Mission 32: 18th August

Post by Schmuck » Tue Nov 18, 2014 3:05 pm

Squadron: No.111 Squadron
Squadron Code: JU
Pilot Name: Schmuck
Date: 18th August 1940
Time: 12.30hrs
Base: Croydon
Type: Hurricane Mk1 Rotol 100oct
Marking: L for London
Serial: R4172


I come out of the mess hall cigarette in ear and coffee in hand. I stretch and let out a big yawn, before I'm greeted by Squadron Leader Teepee. I quickly snap to attention, not before safely planting my coffee on a secure position, and salute, he salutes back with a great big smile on his face. "Excuse me sir, if I may, what are you so happy about?" I say. "Well if you must ask, the Jerry happen to be making their big push today" he reply's. I stand there with quite the confused look on my face. I look up and say to him "But sir that can't mean anything but trouble for us, if the mass of the Luftwaffe is coming for us that couldn't possibly make any man happy!?". He lets out a hearty laugh and puts one hand on my shoulder then says, "You see lad with all these Jerry bombers and fighters coming our way. By the end of this sortie all of bloody Treble One will be aces!" He laughs for a bit and I laugh with him until he clears his throat and says "Alright then, lets not waste any time. It's best to be prepared in a time like this, go ahead and tell the ground crews to get all of our crates ready for today, it won't be easy. I'll inform the squadron to mount up''. I stand at attention and salute "Yes sir, right away" I say before bolting for my beast.

A few moments later the final stragglers of No.111 are mounting their crates and we are awaiting the calls from command. We are told to start engines and get to temperature as Do-17's are on the way. We wait, and wait, and wait some more. I think I may have finished my chess game with Sabre before we were told to take off. We get word of Do-17's coming in from the West, intended for Kenley. Treble One springs into life and shoots off and up into the air. With our numbers smaller than usual we form one big wing instead of spreading our selves thin. We climb to Angles 6 to get the drop on those pesky Do-17's that are flying treetop level. Ratty spots the bastards down low and one by one Treble One tally's. Teepee gives the order and we dive onto them like a bat out of hell. I shout over the R/T "Okay boys! You know the Drill, One pass One kill! Lets give them what for! Tally Ho!" Coming down onto the tail of a Do-17 I line up his port engine, a quick squirt and he goes down burning and into a field, I claim him destroyed. I loop up and around for a second pass, looking over my shoulder for snappers, and come around to the tail of a second Do-17, Same spot same result, down in flames. I watch him go in and claim a second destroyed. I once again come around for my third pass on a Do-17 and give him a squirt in the tail watch his rudder and elevators fly off but he maintains flight before I break off, I claim him probable. With all the Do-17's down I believe every member of Treble One got a kill and truly left the Luftwaffe with a black eye.

We continue to cruise the skies looking for more trade and spot returning bombers at around angels 13 and pay no mind to them, they were out of our range. A few Treble One lads were separated from the group and I believe on of them was even bounced, and quickly we sprung into action to assist our No.111 brother. Once we arrive to 'the scene of the crime' the Dirty Hun had already ran home, too scared I suppose. The fellow who took the hits was none other than one of our new Sergeants, we quickly direct him to the nearest airfield for a safe landing and insure he gets down alright. Soon after we all make a turn for Croydon to line up on Final. I'm the first one down and quickly taxi off the run way and head for the medical tent. I had heard that an Ambulance was giving our boys some trouble a few days back. I headed into the tent and closed all the doors so I could have a 'word' or two with the fellow. We then come together in front of Teepee's trusty Hurricane for a final Squadron picture

Destroyed: 2x Do-17
Probable: 1x Do-17
Damaged: 0

A/C: Safe and sound in Croydon
Pilot: Safe and sound in a Pub near Croydon
Last edited by Schmuck on Tue Nov 18, 2014 5:26 pm, edited 2 times in total.
